Why cant they make a good movie about that book? It was one of my favorite reads that just hasnt been done well on screen.
Ok - I'm gonna grab it from Abebooks. While I'm shopping, may as well pick up a couple others. Any recs for someone with my interests? (I'm not as abstract of a thinker as docspor)
I used to love it. But now Amazon, Thrift books, Abe Books, and Better World Books are a lot easier and I have very specific reading tastes. That said, I used to love it when I was unemployed years ago. It would be sad for me to lose it.
Thanks - I read Breakfast of Champions, but that was decades ago during undergrad. Isn't that pretty abstract? Perhaps you were being facetious. On that note, I did enjoy Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but Hunter S. might be a diff kind of abstract.
In honor of this I just took the family to our local bookstore and bought Vonnegut's Welcome to The Monkey House
Don't you get it? Everyone gets their education from social media and the internet!! Libraries are so old school
It remains an important resource for lower economic classes.....books, internet, etc. And I know a lot of seniors also utilize a variety of services.
Made up on the spot! It sounds like it fits right? If you want regular novels: Silence by Endo (Japanese) The Bridge Over San Luis Rey by Thorton Wilder The Slave By Isaac Bashevis Singer Are three underrated gems that are fairly quick reads.