Or if Trump will get sidelined by health or indictments, and DeSantis picks up his mantle and rides it into the White House.
If that's true, I hope the democrats vote against it. Running against Trump is Biden's best chance of winning.
Trump mopped the floor with both Bush and Rubio in their own states ... he'll do the same to DeSantis.
Upon further reading, the conspiracy charge is related to conspiracy to defraud the United States government, which can include interfering with or obstructing legitimate Government activity, ie the transfer of power or electoral process. So, I do think this is a major problem for Trump.
They may be true but there is no way they'd have a trial before the election. Heck look at Steve Bannon. He still hasn't stood trial for his We Build The Wall grift.
I’m not sure I disagree with the point, in general. But specifically, DeSantis is not without “fresh ideas,” it’s that his novel ideas are hate-filled and autocratic. He is the next “Trump” in that his followers routinely have to apologize and excuse what he says and does, frequently with the trope of “but he’s better than Biden”.
He did in charisma and speech volume, but not in policy or substance. Not that it makes a real difference.
I dont see many DeSantis supporters apologizing though. I see them shooting down some of the leftist rhetoric. The left says its a "don't say gay" bill. It wasn't. Many who like RD point that out and get shouted down for "defending hate" blah blah blah. The left says he "kidnapped" illegals and bussed them away. Again, Hyperbolic. I didnt like the move, but they werent exactly tied up and blindfolded. Many... MANY... Americans are fine with libraries not having content that isnt age appropriate and not allowing parents to perform gender defining surgery on minors etc. That is not "hate". In fact for many of us it is quite the opposite. If I hated transgender kids, then I would want them mutilated and harmed. I love one very dearly in my own circle in fact (as often noted). Trying to protect them until they are old enough to make an adult decision is not hate. That term is a political weapon shot from a bully pulpit quite often. I say all that and still disagree with some of DeSantis'ways. (Disney), but much of the "hate" aimed at him is just political rhetoric designed to soften his support because the left wants Trump to be the nominee.
I strongly disagree with your views on DeSantis. I’d spend the next ten pages telling you why, but I’m fairly certain nobody would have the patience to read it all, and I doubt it would do much good. Suffice it to say, I feel DeSantis is by far a more dangerous candidate than Trump, and I am staunchly in the never-Trumper fan club.
You may be right. If he’s allowed to run before going to trial on anything from the special prosecutor, he could conceivably win and well we know what Trump will do with the charges then.
While the notion that the left would prefer Trump to DeSantis as the Republican nominee may have been valid as recently as three months ago it's probably no longer the case. The left despises Meatball Ron almost as much they despise Trump and in several albeit not all recent polls Biden actually performs better against DeSantis than he does against Trump.
Most of the hate aimed at DeSantis is because he is a despicable person doing despicable things. And DeSanits has little chance of beating Biden in 2024 if he is the nominee. The more people get to know DeSantis, the less they like him.
Just a profoundly false, arrogant statement up and down. Both parties sometimes try to help certain people and parties sometimes try hurting others. If you don't see that, I'm not even sure why you're here, unless you just like an echo chamber. As for "conservatives", there's a wide spectrum of ideology in both the major political parties, but I would say DeSantis is a conservative overall and that you'll find way more conservatives in the GOP than you will in the Democratic Party. No candidate is black and white, altruistic. They each have their flaws and errors in judgment. Rand Paul is another conservative, but if you look hard enough, you'll find some flaws in his ideology which divert from conservatism. DeSantis is definitely a more pure conservative than Trump, especially on social issues. I don't see a need to identify with a particular political party to validate your personal ideology, but if you're looking for conservatism in a party, generally speaking, it's going to be in the GOP.
They have had multiple opportunities to move on from him, but they haven’t. They haven’t and won’t as long as most republican voters support him.
Again, it would only take a handful of states refusing to put him on the primary ballot or a majority vote in Congress. Most southern voters supported the Confederacy, but when they refused to obey the law and seceded, well, we know what happened. This could be a moot point if his trial is post-election. Ultimately, I believe the GOP will do whatever they think gives them the greatest chance of victory in 2024. If the trial isn't until after the election, then whether it's Trump or DeSantis versus Biden, it will all come down to is there a recession next year and what does Ukraine look like a year from now. My sense is Biden will either back down on Ukraine before the election, which will end badly or he'll escalate the conflict, which won't look fun to Americans either. Biden is in a couple of pickles. Most fundamentals point to a deep recession within the next 12 months. Ukraine could easily go sideways within 12 months.
Don't underestimate the pub/conservative potential to reverse course and suddenly latch onto a new hero. They very well might drop Trump like a hot box of rocks and glom onto their new culture war guru.
I don’t discount any scenario at this point. Anything can happen but everything I’ve seen to date leads me to believe Trump will win the nomination. He is motivated to win because his best defense for all of these legal actions is to win the presidency and squash them. I’d say Biden would probably beat him, but with his age and these 3rd party idiots anything can happen. Desantis has proved himself incompetent as a politician on the national stage so far. I don’t expect that to change.
There's no real way to predict this, but if Trump exits the picture, I anticipate a HUGE rush of support for little Ronnie. They won't give two shits about his inhuman acts and policies. He will be their God and they will do his bidding. And they will come out to the polls like nobody's business. I worry bigly about Grandpa Biden's chances against him in a general.
I don't think DeSantis has been incompetent at all. If Trump wins the presidency, yeah, essentially he has a mandate at that point to cancel the indictments.