All the S&C you do won’t help you if you are somewhat fragile. AR was a big, fast QB who was a touch fragile. Devon Moore May be talented but he appears to be somewhat fragile. Missed over half of last season, got a little dinged up in fall practice, and got dinged up against scum. It’s one thing to bench x hundred lbs, squat x hundred pounds, run a x second 40, put if the makeup of your specific body causes you to get dinged up here, there, etc, that’s a problem. And we don’t have the luxury to play games when our preceived best players are not playing.
I can’t explain why some strength trained athletes are more injury prone than others, but I know that strength training can outright injury or predispose to injury. It’s a bit of a controversial topic.
Some come into the program with issues due to not being properly trained in lifting weights. Heavy squats are hard on the back and knees. Dead lifting is hard on the lower back. Military presses are hard on the shoulders, then add in bad technique and now you a major issue when trying to lift heavy weights which often ends in injury. Better to have lighter weight and great technique, but all anyone wants to hear about is how much someone can lift.
Did you watch the scum game? All that muscle and all I saw was us get pushed all over the football field on both sides of the ball. Either they didn't pack on as much muscle as we were led to believe or it was in the wrong places.
Fun Fact: we were actually bigger than the 1996 Nebraska which was described as having pounded us in ugly and humiliated fashion.
Too many injured players for me to believe our conditioning program is doing a good job. I need to see the difference on the field before I change my opinion
Some look fit, but the problem might just be that they neglected the muscles they needed to work on. Both lines played like they lack lower body strength... legs.
I did watch the game. There could have been a whole lot of other reasons for that result other than our players having packed on a lot of muscles that weren't strong.
I e always been skinny but I can make contact. You’ll know I’m there. That’s kinda nonsense I guess because our right tackle isn’t running away from contact, he just doesn’t have the feet to get in the way.
They just aren’t coordinated enough. It’s not strength. They aren’t getting knocked on their ass. They can’t stay in the play.
Your legs are where your strength and power come from. Squats stimulate muscle growth throughout the body. I used to lift regularly, but didn't do squats. My growth was slow until I added squats, but once I started doing heavy squats it was quickly obvious.
Squats were my main workout from the first day of my Pop Warner days, and the pushing sled worked for the entire team, because we all ended every practice with pushing sled drills. It worked well, and we dominated other teams because of it. It's a freaking lost art (squats and pushing sleds) in today's strength and conditioning regimen...
What muscles are being neglected ? I suspect S&C is a scapegoat and that our programs over the years have been similar to other schools programs.
I would think movement is part of any regimen as moving properly with technique uses muscles differently.
The only dude that I heard players complain about was K@#t... The rest are okay, but it's a matter of focusing on the right muscle groups more intensely than negligence on the current dude's part.