Mrs51 was born in Kansas City but thank God she was raised out in the sticks. That city is full of liberals. Far-left Missouri prosecutor declines to charge woman who fatally shot firefighter in the back
Equally bizarre. I know it's almost 30 years old, under Texas law it's legal to use deadly force to protect property even if the property "owner" is a deadbeat behind in legally obligated loan payments. HOUSTON MAN NOT INDICTED IN THE SLAYING OF REPO MAN Apparently the decision in Kansas City was based on variation of the Kyle Rittenhouse "rule" which allows the use of a deadly weapon in defense of another. Although I haven't researched the legislative history behind the statute I suspect that it was strongly supported by the NRA.
Looks like two assholes fighting in a parking lot. If Zimmerman can kill that kid because he was losing the fight he started, then I guess her acting in defense of her friend is fine, too.. "I mean, she is yelling "stop, you are killing him" as the bigger guy seems to be trying to suffocate the smaller guy with a clear choke hold shown in the video ...maybe he should have listened... the big doofus would be still alive today if he had just followed the simple instructions of the lady with the gun ... Also, should be noted the OP is (intentionally?) misleading, in that he was off duty, apparently out of uniform, and wasn't acting in any fireman duty by getting in a fight in the parking lot.
Sounds like the deceased ultimately caused his own death by injecting himself in a situation that had nothing to do with him. If he would’ve minded his business he’d still be alive. Very unfortunate.
I disagreed with most conservatives in the Zimmerman case and I’m going to disagree with you here. The guy who was killed was acting in self defense. The woman who shot him was with the armed aggressor. He had no obligation to let go of the guy just because she told him to.
how can it be stand your ground when the woman wasn’t involved in the fight, and in a public place not her home?
No, his death was caused by 2 armed aggressors. His standing up for the clerk doesn’t mean he caused his own death.
Him choking someone for 10 minutes straight and not heeding the warning of an armed person that they were going to shoot them if they didn't let go caused his death. So yeah in a sense, he caused his own death. Still an unfortunate situation all around.
So you think the lady should have let him potentially choke the guy to death? What I've learned from these situations is that the armed person usually wins the fight, and then has enough "defense" -- especially in red states that pander to the gun lobby with their laws -- to successfully argue their way out of conviction, or in this case, even a trial.... See the popcorn thrower in Florida, for another example ...
What is the correct number of minutes that you'd allow someone to hold your wife, son, daughter, in a choke hold before you stopped them by any means necessary (even if your loved one wasn't entirely in the right, either)
Was he choked for 10 minutes straight or wasn’t he? If someone makes a bullshit claim I’m going to call them out on it. “wasn’t entirely in the right”. Holy shit what a stupid comment.
I don't know if it was 10 minutes or not, but he's clearly got a choke hold on the guy in the video I watched, which didn't show the whole thing. And why is that stupid comment? They said the fight started because one guy was rude to a cashier and the other guy "stood up for him/her". What a stupid reason to get into a wrestling match in a a parking lot over ... try to choke a guy out. But answer the question, if you were in that situation, and it was someone you cared about in the choke hold, what is the right number of minutes for you stand by and give warns before you'd stop that person by any means necessary? Just give me the number.
Semantics. He was choking someone who he was clearly getting the better of for an extended period of time (is that better?), was warned numerous times, chose to not let go and was fatally shot. Very unfortunate situation, but this is the kind of stuff that occasionally happens when you live in a gun-obsessed country (thanks to the right) like America.
No, the fight was because: “Taylor then threatened them both, went outside, and retrieved a gun with an extended magazine from his white SUV.” Another nut with a gun got away with it. The guy who was murdered had a right to defend himself. The reason your question was stupid was because you posed a completely different scenario where my loved one maybe wasn’t completely in the right. In this scenario, the person she was defending was 100% in the wrong and was the armed aggressor.
I’m in favor of prosecuting the fighter that threatened people with a gun and was ultimately “saved” from his own provocation.
Well, the original version of the story that isn't filtered through the right wing trash site in the OP says ... "She said the firefighter spoke up in the woman's defense. That started an argument. The argument grew into fistfight. The witness said the man fighting with the firefighter came with a woman and that woman may have pulled the trigger of the gun. She said the firefighter was shot outside the store and then he came back into the store for help." But again, I ask, how many minutes would wait if someone you loved was being held in a choke hold by an angry man in the parking before you stopped him by any means necessary? Just a number, please.