The only thing which will screw us are those who say we're screwed and think Trump is the reasonable alternative. If you're such a person, please explain why Trump is preferable.
We are between a rock and a hard place with the two worst candidates we have ever faced. Neither is a reasonable alternative. This is the first time I have considered not voting in a presidential election since I was first eligible to vote and helped to vote out Jimmy Carter. Today I would vote for him in a heartbeat. The crap we have for candidates is a result of decades of declining individual accountability in all aspects of society, top to bottom, left to right, politics to church, etc., and I hate it. The bright points are fewer and farther between these days. I’m old enough now that I can fiddle while Rome burns. I hate it for my posterity. Their world won’t be like the one I got to grow up in.
So, just more complaining. There’s a clear choice here, but you’re working towards an excuse to vote for the worst choice.
As if we are ever choosing someone perfect for the Presidency. The same people who think Biden is the worst candidate ever thought Hillary was the worst candidate ever and thought Obama was the worst president ever and think every Dem candidate from Newsome to Kamala is the worst candidate ever. The fact is, Trump is the only dangerous candidate we’ve ever had. Romney, McCain, Jeb Bush… none of them were going to be dangerous.. just had shitty policies if you aren’t on the right. Trump acts unbound by the law and norms which have kept this country free since its inception. The fact republicans passed up all other candidates for Trump is unbelievable.
In spite of all of Biden's shortcomings, at least he still believes in our constitutional republic. The other guy wants to make us into Hungary under Orban.
Sharp differences between the two candidates, but damn sure not a clear choice to me. Both have severe drawbacks and neither should be considered acceptable. I will wait to see what comes out of the campaigns and what world affairs lead me to think about between now and Nov. I am absolutely and unapologetically complaining about the crap candidates. I am not just complaining about our sad state of cultural affairs. I am doing and have done my part to make my family/town/state/country better but I feel that I am in the minority on this issue. Still have hope for my posterity but have real concerns for where we are all headed.
If it eases any anxiety you might have about choosing between the two, just remember that the state of Florida is almost certainly not going to be in play anyway.
Right. The only "dangerous" candidates are Trump... and DeSantis... and rewind to 2012 when Romney was going to "put Black people back in chains..." and 2008 when any criticism of Obama was rooted in racism. Democrats would have a lot more credibility if they weren't trying to do their best impression of the boy who cried wolf for the last two decades. Especially considering that they're the ones weaponizing the administrative state and targeting their political opponents, not Trump. All of the greatest risks posed by Trump were curbed by his own administration, while the greatest risks posed by Biden are enabled and exacerbated by his administration.
Yes, I'm sure you guys would be completely calm if DeSantis both won the nomination and were polling like Trump right now.
If u really wanna ease anxiety, whether u vote Trump, Biden or someone else it will have 0.0 affect on the outcome.
Anyone remember when Dems thought Neocons were the greatest threat to America and when George W. Bush and his brother Jeb Bush "stole" the 2000 election from Al Gore.
I especially remember the latter. Gore held a rally on the exact same day they were certifying the vote and go his voters so riled up, they stormed the capital. Wait... I remember Gore conceding, and yes, there were dems mad that the SCOTUS decided before fl finished counting votes. I voted for W in that race by the way.
Hopefully you can access this. This is what they want to implement if or when trumph is elected. Start on page 35:
Good for you. Want a cookie? I voted for Hillary in 2016. Trump also conceded the 2020 election. He was the President, he let Biden take office on January 20th, 2021, Biden is now the President. Gore continued to question the legitimacy of the 2000 election after Bush became President. Trump still questions the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Hillary still chalks up her 2016 loss to disinformation and Russian collusion and complaints about the electoral college. John Kerry is the only losing Democratic Presidential candidate since the turn of the century to not question the results of his election in any way, and that has more to do with a pathetic loss to Bush with no redeeming qualities than anything else.
Trump conceded the 2020 election? If you could provide a link to a speech by Trump in 2020 or for that matter any other time similar to this one from Hillary Clinton in 2016 it would be greatly appreciated since I apparently missed it. I guess you can make the argument that Trump implicitly conceded because he moved out of the White House although the actual likely explanation for his decision to leave the residence was to avoid being forcibly removed by the Secret Service or the military.