Pretty big difference between Dems preferring another candidate and Republicans who say they won't vote for Trump. Those Dems aren't voting for Trump but a good chunk of those Republicans will vote for Biden with others abstaining or voting third party.
Aside: at last check SC was the fastest growing state in the nation. A lot of that was people moving to the Charlotte metro where I currently live.
Quinnipiac poll last week has it 80% Trump, 17% Haley nationally. That's about as dominate as it gets for a non-incumbent.
Isn’t Charlotte in North Carolina? I know SC is fast growing (cheap RE, manufacturing jobs, nice location and climate— why not?!?!). I know I have lots of family that have moved and are moving there ( Greenville). I just didn’t know there was a Charlotte in SC (although there’s a Greenville in both NC and SC).
As for who has a better chance of beating Biden, it’s not even close. Haley crushes Biden by almost every metric. Trump needs a ton of variables to all fall his way to have that chance. Moderates despise Trump, as do independents.
I would concede that he was the real POTUS from 12:01 pm January 20, 2017 until 12:00 pm January 20, 2021.
There’s no real purpose to her hanging around if that’s the goal. She’s not going to have enough delegates to win the nomination on the first ballot even if Trump does get convicted somewhere. And you don’t automatically step in as second place - at that point the nominee is getting selected on the convention floor, and would probably be DeSantis.
40% of voters said Haley didn’t have the physical or mental competence to handle the job, vs approximately 25% for Trump. These people are truly delusional. Trump won republicans 75/25. That means a big piece of Haley’s 40% were independent and crossover votes.
Perhaps, but that’s not a given. May as well hang around and see what happens. It increases the visibility of her brand for the future. Especially if donors continue to fund her campaign. I hope she continues to run just to keep taking shots at Trump. It would be better for her in 2028 if a trump loses than wins.
Yep, and what is the point of her staying in for more voter abuse? She lost her home state... that means she is dead in the water and has NO chance to get the Pub nomination. All she's doing is bilking the billionaires that are pimping out her RINO brand. The old GOP is dead... No one wants RINOs anymore, except for the sympathetic Dems.