We have free country and it is up to each individual to show personal control in what they eat and how much. Is it really the governments job to control what each individual chooses to put in their mouths?
People eating their way into obesity is an old wive’s tale deeply engrained … Widespread misconceptions about obesity
Yes, I think we as a society should address the problem. It’s impacting our military, costs us all $ and having negative impacts on some of us or someone close to us. I don’t know how we do it, - maybe start with schools as these habits develop early in life. ie. What are schools serving, what are they selling in vending machines and is PE maintained. For everyone else not sure. But we should at least have the discussion. “Nearly seven out of 10 US service members are considered either overweight or obese — which may compromise the nation’s military readiness and undermine national security, according to a new wide-ranging study. The American Security Project, a Washington-based nonprofit, found that 68% of US troops qualified as either “overweight” or “obese” under the Body Mass Index, which takes into account a person’s age, height and weight.” Nearly 70% of American soldiers are obese or overweight: study “The effects of obesity raised costs in every category of care: inpatient, outpatient, and prescription drugs. Increases in medical expenditures due to obesity were higher for adults covered by public health insurance programs ($2,868) than for those having private health insurance ($2,058). In 2016, the aggregate medical cost due to obesity among adults in the United States was $260.6 billion.” Direct medical costs of obesity in the United States and the most populous states - PubMed
Everything you thought you knew about body shape is up for grabs … Junkfood Science: The myth of unhealthy belly fat
The notion that “extra weight” whatever that constitutes, “makes the organs work harder” appears to be another one of those wive’s tales that owes more to intuition than actual research.
Substantiate if you please how extra weight is nonharmful to the back, hips, knees, ankles, and feet. You seem to think it's a total nothing burger that one need not trouble oneself about. When you can't even reach your own ass to wipe it anymore, something is amiss.
Interesting how Americans harbor an almost snarling hatred of people who are fatter than they are. This sort of contempt even seeps out of medical literature.
Because it's a form of ugliness, and there's no political action group for that. When you are ugly, you wear it all by yourself.
Where is your hatred line ? How much fatter than you before it becomes ugly ? Drilling down: what’s your prescription for Dez ?
And he may not. But my question remains, what is your prescription to rid yourself of having to look at the “ugliness” of people who are fatter than you are ?
Fun Fact: “obesity related diseases” are diseases that all people get but are called obesity related diseases when fat people get them.