The reason to vote for maga was due to threats. Death threats should not influence your vote. Common people are faced with death threats and we expect them to not be influenced. Is that really that hard to follow that voting shouldn't be influenced by maga death threats?
I totally agree with this and in my Romney thread it’s enlightening that apparently according to Romney some Republicans voted against impeachment because they were scared of MAGA threats of violence against them. I am somewhat skeptical that was really their motivation and tend to think it was an excuse - they were really more concerned about getting primaried, but ultimately I can’t know what is in their heart. If fear of violence did play a factor it is disappointing given all those who have sacrificed in the history of our country, and some congressman are willing to throw that all away for their perceived safety and comfort. As to your repeated assertion that somehow Democrats were partially to blame for this, you and I are just going to have to disagree. From everything I have read Republicans wanted nothing to do with Democrats. McCarthy, who was willing to sell his soul to become speaker earlier this year, could have easily reached out to Dems and made some deals. But he didn’t and explicitly said he wouldn’t. There was discussion as to extending the interim speaker and giving him more power, but many Republican congressman literally revolted against that idea, because it would have required working with Democrats. Ultimately they preferred to unanimously elect a far right MAGA guy like Mike Johnson than entertaining working with Democrats.
the majority of the voting members of the HOR allowed the issue to be determined by a very small minority. do you agree with that
I came to Florida in the past few years. It's oppressive. People are also leaving the state. Some folks are attracted to right-wing Castro. Not surprising. Same was true in Cuba with left-wing Castro.
Comparing Ron DeSantis’s Florida to Castro’s Cuba is frankly disrespectful to the Cuban expatriates who suffered under the Castro regime. There is no comparison.
There is a comparison, and I'm making it. DeSantis is hostile to free speech, the rule of law, and democracy. His regime is characterized by cronyism, rewarding his pals with cushy, high-paying government jobs and government handouts.
A better case can be made for all of those about the Biden Administration, yet I don’t see you making that comparison.
Why am I expected to do all of this research and provide this laundry list of evidence when gator_lawyer can just say ridiculous things like Ron DeSantis is comparable to Fidel Castro, and ya’ll just accept it like the sheep you are? I have better things to do than preach to people who think their shit don’t stink.
It's funny to see the king of bad comparisons calling someone else's comparison out. Now get on back to comparing what Trump did with what Biden did.