4 hours until kickoff! Missing picks from: @gator_n_sc @GratefulGator @jcmiller910 @kes @wrrgator Put down the leftover turkey sandwiches and get to pickin!!!!
I stayed away from the Texas game. Some CGD predictions today for an Aggie win tonight, so we'll see........
All winners today except for my 1 pointer (Rice over USF 35-28) but got all the others! I put Baylor over Kansas as my #1 pick due to how Kansas has screwed me with their upset wins the past 2 weeks. Payback is so so sweet...Go Bears!!!!
This week's winning teams: Winner Louisville South Carolina Duke Baylor Rice Mizzou NC State TCU LSU Texas
Big week this week. Looks like 5 people had perfect picks! -Week 14--Name ----15----Wanne15 ----15----manigordo ----15----igabradley ----15----gator954 ----15----audiogatorjim ----14----ocalaman ----14----MRG8R ----14----ETGator ----14----Bazza ----13----phatGator ----12----tommyvee ----12----obone ----12----GoCocks3877 ----12----GatorPrincess8 ----12----gatormonk ----12----eastowest ----11----gatortenor37 ----11----Gatorhead ----11----gatordavisl ----11----ApexNC ----10----SmootyGator ----10----senecagator ----10----pigpen ----10----kes ----10----Gatorrick22 ----09----2oldgator ----08----danmanne65 ----08----bperkins10 ----00----wrrgator ----00----jcmiller910 ----00----GratefulGator ----00----gatorstevelp ----00----gator_n_sc
Nice weekly average! Second Highest this season. No Plays---5 Possible---420 TOTAL---335 Avg. Points---10.152 Played Avg.---11.964 Week 01 - 7.182 Week 02 - 10.129 Week 03 - 9.03 Week 04 - 5.563 Week 05 - 12.548 Week 06 - 6.806 Week 07 - 9.813 Week 08 - 5.032 Week 09 - 10.839 Week 10 - 8.813 Week 11 - 10.613 Week 12 - 6.321 Week 13 - 6.467 Week 14 - 11.964
Total scoring through Week 14. It's getting tight at the top! --Total-- Name ---145--- tommyvee ---140--- MRG8R ---139--- gator954 ---138--- gatormonk ---131--- Wanne15 ---129--- phatGator ---127--- Bazza ---126--- ETGator ---122--- SmootyGator ---122--- gator_n_sc ---121--- pigpen ---121--- manigordo ---119--- obone ---119--- eastowest ---118--- Gatorhead ---118--- gatordavisl ---118--- audiogatorjim ---117--- senecagator ---116--- bperkins10 ---114--- igabradley ---114--- 2oldgator ---113--- ocalaman ---113--- gatortenor37 ---113--- danmanne65 ---112--- kes ---111--- GratefulGator ---110--- ApexNC ---104--- GoCocks3877 ---099--- GatorPrincess8 ---096--- Gatorrick22 ---085--- jcmiller910 ---067--- wrrgator ---013--- gatorstevelp
I thought i posted my picks friday night. Guess i never hit post. Smh. Probably screwed my self for the season but at least UF finished on a 3 game winning streak. For future notice, if I somehow have not posted in the last 10 minutes someone please post some teams for me , preferably without intentional sabotage lol. Any points would have been better than none. Of course the week I miss is the 2nd highest scoring avg. Which just makes it even worse.
I set an alarm on my cellphone but it always hit about when Smooty had to put me in his weekly Reminder of Shame . . . so I moved it up. His bowl games or play-offs or whenever the points increase/double can still give anyone near the top a chance.