4 hour warning!!!! Missing picks from: @ETGator @gatorwilly @GratefulGator @midwestfin @nawlinsgator @obone @Wanne15 @wrrgator
C'mon fellas. With next week worth 55 points nearly all yall are still within striking distance to the top.
Picks are in! Good luck everyone! No Plays - 7/34 Alabama - 8/27 - Avg. - 2.63 Appalachian State - 8/27 - Avg. - 2.00 Boise State - 6/27 - Avg. - 2.50 Florida State - 8/27 - Avg. - 3.00 Georgia - 19/27 - Avg. - 3.84 Louisville - 19/27 - Avg. - 2.42 SMU - 4/27 - Avg. - 3.00 Troy - 19/27 - Avg. - 3.37 Tulane - 23/27 - Avg. - 3.13 UNLV - 21/27 - Avg. - 2.95
Some of my predictions lately aren’t aging well. I thought Oregon was a lock and didn’t see Bama competing against Ga.
5 points for the top pick 4 points for the next pick 3 points for the next pick 2 points for the next pick 1 point for the next pick And you post them like this below. Bama = 5 point pick SMU = 4 point pick Troy = 3 point pick Boise state = 2 point pick Louisville = 1 point pick Looks like this below... ----------------------------------------- My week 14 picks (example only) Bama SMU Troy Boise state Louisville This would win you 15 points, if you picked them to win, Ray.
Standings through Week 14: -Week 14---TOTAL---Name ----05--------140----gator_n_sc ----06--------137----gatormonk ----06--------137----SmootyGator ----07--------132----gator954 ----05--------129----senecagator ----05--------128----gatorbate91 ----03--------128----manigordo ----07--------127----Gatorrick22 ----04--------126----gatortenor37 ----12--------125----bperkins10 ----00--------123----TWGator ----03--------122----62gator ----07--------122----igabradley ----07--------121----ApexNC ----08--------121----phatGator ----04--------119----allhailmeyer ----06--------118----GoCocks3877 ----01--------118----2oldgator ----04--------117----danmanne65 ----02--------115----Bazza ----08--------115----gatordavisl ----05--------112----ETGator ----06--------112----pigpen ----06--------107----obone ----04--------103----MRG8R ----00--------102----GratefulGator ----00--------102----Mikog8tor ----00--------100----midwestfin ----05--------093----Gatorhead ----00--------092----nawlinsgator ----00--------090----wrrgator ----00--------089----Wanne15 ----00--------073----gatorwilly ----00--------029----gcger520
This was definitely a crushing week. Worst one yet! I love it! Only 3 people over 7 points! No Plays---7 Possible---405 TOTAL---136 Avg. Points---4 Played Avg.---5.037 Week 01 - 8.735 Week 02 - 9.667 Week 03 - 7.206 Week 04 - 10.697 Week 05 - 8.727 Week 06 - 7.968 Week 07 - 11.121 Week 08 - 7.03 Week 09 - 9.273 Week 10 - 8.75 Week 11 - 6.6 Week 12 - 7.621 Week 13 - 12.407 Week 14 - 5.037