Hey Smooty…I jumped in during week 2. Is that allowed? (Made the 5 picks but didn’t see my username in the current standings so guessing maybe no? Since I’m not sure….ill make 5 more picks just in case! ) Buffalo LSU Cincy TCU Maryland
Short answer, No... but Maybe. There were two players that picked in Week 01, but missed week 02. If either of those 2 don't pick this week, they'll be out and I can possibly add you in. The reason I say possibly is that someone else also made their first picks in Week 02. If they also pick this week, it would come down to whomever made their picks first in Week 02. If BOTH the Week 01 pickers miss Weeks 2 and 3, then BOTH of the New Week 02 pickers would be in. Confusing perhaps, but I have it down in my head. So it was wise to make your picks this week, but I won't know until Saturday if I can get you in. Shoot me a PM if you have any questions or need any further explanation.