Hey all! I haven't been on much over the holidays.... because, you know, family and stuff.... However, I just wanted to let ya'll know that I'm still here and still inputting winners. Today, the last two games of the Bowl week games will be played. I'll post standings tomorrow. Tomorrow's standings will include bowl games only. Even though some playoff games have been played and technically people have some points from those games, they won't be included in the scores posted for the bowl games. Good luck everyone! I hope everyone's Christmas/New Year's has been fun and relaxing!
Thanks, @SmootyGator. It doesn’t look like I’ll be able to hold onto this lead based on these results.
I ended up with 35 points. Not bad, but not enough to get me back in contention. Colorado was my 10 pointer and Texas A&M and Miami were 5 & 4 points I lost. I'm interested to see if emoji-man hangs on to the lead.
I scored 43 which might get me at least to the middle of the pack or even a tad above for the season. Having reservations about my playoff picks.
Here are the winners for the bowl week games: Winner Memphis UNLV Northern Illinois USF Vanderbilt Arkansas Syracuse USC Uconn Nebraska ISU BYU Missouri Louisville LSU
Here are the totals for Bowl Week (Please let me know if there any errors): -Bowls--Name ----49----eastowest ----43----2oldgator ----42----MRG8R ----41----Gatorhead ----39----gator954 ----37----senecagator ----37----obone ----37----gatortenor37 ----37----gatormonk ----35----ocalaman ----33----SmootyGator ----32----gatordavisl ----30----igabradley ----30----GoCocks3877 ----28----pigpen ----28----kes ----28----Bazza ----27----Wanne15 ----27----tommyvee ----24----danmanne65 ----23----manigordo ----22----Gatorrick22 ----21----gator_n_sc ----19----bperkins10 ----00----wrrgator ----00----phatGator ----00----jcmiller910 ----00----GratefulGator ----00----gatorstevelp ----00----GatorPrincess8 ----00----ETGator ----00----audiogatorjim ----00----ApexNC
We have a new leader! Not surprising, given the magnitude and volatility of Bowl Week. --Total-- Name ---189--- MRG8R ---182--- gator954 ---180--- gatormonk ---178--- tommyvee ---172--- eastowest ---169--- Wanne15 ---168--- Gatorhead ---166--- Bazza ---164--- SmootyGator ---164--- 2oldgator ---161--- obone ---160--- senecagator ---159--- pigpen ---159--- gatortenor37 ---158--- gatordavisl ---153--- ocalaman ---152--- gator_n_sc ---151--- manigordo ---149--- danmanne65 ---148--- igabradley ---147--- kes ---146--- GoCocks3877 ---143--- bperkins10 ---133--- phatGator ---133--- ETGator ---128--- Gatorrick22 ---125--- ApexNC ---118--- audiogatorjim ---111--- GratefulGator ---106--- GatorPrincess8 ---085--- jcmiller910 ---067--- wrrgator ---013--- gatorstevelp
Looks like the top 4 are the only ones with a chance... It's simple enough to do the "what if" scenarios now... so I'm sure ya'll will be doing just that!
I accidentally opted out of the bowl game. Remembered the deadline an hour too late. Or maybe I was subconsciously saving myself from injury to be ready for next year. Yeah, that’s the ticket!