The "SVB Failure for Dummies" has been released... Ron DeSantis blames Silicon Valley Bank’s collapse on DEI
The SVB situation had nothing to do with wokeness. That's just stupid. Banks and other institutions are going to have to start figuring in, "social media panic" to their disaster scenarios where viral predictions of doom become self fulfilling.
Signature was a bank that catered to crypto companies . I get that you can’t pick winners and losers at this point, but the fact that we have to bail out the idiocy that has been crypto investing over the past 7 or 8 years is infuriating.
I don’t think you can model for that, because once it starts it’s total. The one suggestion I heard that makes sense today was forcing banks to mark their securities to market. Essentially you can account for a security as one held for investment, which means you can count all of the expected returns as an asset. But holding it for sale (m2m) means you have to price it to today’s market conditions. Bond values went down 20 percent or more and SVB had everything for priced investment…people started to see the delta if there were a run, and it became a self fulfilling prophecy.
If DeSantis' horrific lack of understanding the banking system and finance is not exposed, and he is not destroyed for his stupidity, nothing is going to slow this idiot down (in before the DeSantis Goon Squads are sent to hunt people posting mean things about him!!).
Thanks for your posts and replies @RealGatorFan. I am the furthest thing from an expert here, but I do a LOT of research on things and work with both a financial advisor and tax accountants (father-in-law and wife) to try to understand the nuances of trying to protect our money.
Well, it appears it no longer matters. As long as the regulator steps in swiftly, the federal deposit insurance is now uncapped for all.
I haven't really followed this story. I just want to know what the count is on right wingers blaming this on "woke" banks
First republic got money from JPMC and the fed. That might move the next domino far enough away that that the next one won’t fall. We will see tomorrow.
Mismanaging interest rate risk is now "woke:" Seems like either management was clueless or simply lied about their interest rate risk exposure . I thought this kind of mismanagement went out with the S&L collapses, guess not. I'd say the CEO needs a good lawyer also given his stock transactions.