You know it’s crazy you can say all this yet everything you all claimed Trump would do or cause has been done on him and his supporters. If Biden and democrats didn’t spend 24/7 calling Trump “Hitler” and his supporters Nazis or call them extremist, we likely don’t get an event like today. It’s the far left that is now dangerous because the media and democrats have spent years convincing people that Trump and his supporters are sub human.
Sure. No rabid Trump hating libby types corrupted to their core with the same TDS mental illness obsession we see here every day were involved in letting this guy enter a building with a gun, get on top, take position, and go unnoticed. ...and when it was reported ...just coinkidinky that it was ignored...wrote off as no biggie. Yep.. sounds like a solo Rambo job...
Rush Limbaugh? Years of Fox indoctrination? Are you serious right now? WHere do you think "mean tweets" started? Who is to blame?
The conspiracy theory could go both ways. If it was the deep state, you'd think they would have an option that was 100% guaranteed. No way they would mess it up. It would more likely be Trump since it missed. Id say most likely a far left antifa type that took it too far or Id put more money on Trump setting this up. WWE ear slash style with the pocket razor. I just dont see how anyone got within 2 miles of that rally with a gun. Very unlikely.
Looks like it. That would explain an earlier report of gun smoke coming from that area (i.e. a 2nd shooter).
How about we let the fact come in before we jump to conclusions. At this point, who the hell knows? Insert your usual commie chicom bullshit in response.
the shooter should never have got a shot off all roof tops in the area should have been covered ...they where not epic failure
There's an X former Twitter or whatever video (I don't have an account and can't link to it, saw it on another forum) that the Secret Service or FBI or somebody had at least one mounted gun on a roof to Trump's right, obviously there to take out any shooter on a roof or wherever. Yet the shooter had free use of the roof that he shot from. I assume that it's this mounted gun that took him out. But hey, let him have that roof and take a shot first!
Are YOU serious? Rush Limbaugh? Fox etc? WHY do you think they cane into being, and why do you think they only grew for decades, and continue to grow?
Years if he is elected. He is more of a threat to this country now that his paranoia that everyone is out to get him and his desire to militarize the gubmnt against the opposition will be even more intense. Hopefully the levelheaded amongst us realize this and show up and vote. Hopefully the democrats give us some other reason than just never trump