So SEC Shorts gets you need to have a Special Team Coach. Everyone (well, nearly everyone) on this site gets it. Old men dying in their beds understand it. Every babe in arms across the country probably captures the idea. Why is a multi-million dollar career head football coach struggling with the concept?
My purely uneducated - but brilliant in my own mind - guess is that he saw needs for on-field coaches at other positions more than a dedicated ST coach. I saw a podcast with Shane and he was saying one really isn't needed. I would reply that yes, it can be a consortium of coaches with complimentary responsibilities (none who overlap)...AS LONG AS they get coached up properly during practice AND held accountable if they fall short. Otherwise, Napier has a big blind spot or he is just fooling himself by trying to say it is a "game changer" when it patently is NOT what he truly thinks.
Well, you can argue philosophy until you’re blue in the face. Results are more difficult to argue. And our results on ST suck. If this were an airline, and the philosophy was “We don’t need a dedicated Safety Inspector because safety is everyone’s business,” then that’s an interesting philosophy right up until you have had a couple of crashes. Then I would have to ask the CEO why, due to these repeated mishaps, we don’t just hire a Safety Inspector, and if he still looked at me like I was crazy and said, “But safety is everyone’s business,” I would have to wonder why he continued to be CEO.