does seem like a lot of attention to one college kid acting like an idiot meanwhile, political headlines that claim one side destroyed another tend to be more of a partisan wish than fact.
Protecting free speech means protecting speech you disagree with. Not sure why this student wanted to be an example along with the Nazis in Skokie but there we are.
Minor point here, technically we do throw people out for being stupid, they dont let you stay in school with bad grades and you are too stupid to pass your classes
No. Expel students for overt acts of racism on campus. You are free to be an ignorant, hate mongering troglodyte all you want, but just do not demonstrate it on campus. As an aside, I checked on-line for the Code of Conduct and at UF, LSU and several schools this would be a potentially punishable offense (not necessarily expulsion) if a complaint were filed. Interestingly, Ole Miss has no on-line access to their student code of conduct, if they even bother having one.
isn’t free speech protection against legal prosecution? It doesn’t guarantee someone won’t get fired from a job or kicked out of an organization. And some schools do have anti-harassment, anti-bullying laws. Do students sign a doc they won’t engage in harassment and will abide to some school code of conduct, or else?
Do we really ? 26% at grade level. Oh you mean college. Most Chicago students still read, perform math below grade level
I live in state where you can buy Barak Obama, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris shooting range targets. Our society is no where close to reaching a place where people feel remorse for their conduct. Further, nearly 50% of the population wants to (re-)elect a president who is an unapologetic, abhorrent human being who promotes the exact kinds of acts who are hoping people will feel remorse over. 50% of our population currently lionizes these people. You are 100% correct.
I agree. You aren’t guaranteed employment but my opinion it’s a sliding scale. Universities should be really careful on expelling on either side for saying awful things.
agree. I anticipate they review it case by case. Maybe have probation as an option. They might also consider ‘embarrassment to the school’ and in this case it looked bad. A single black woman who is mostly calm surrounded by white frat men screaming and mocking her. That’s when he did it.
Schools have weaponized "safety" to such a degree that here we are, your protest can get shut down because some kids heard some slogans the school says endangers the safety of students and this is just the flip side to that
No. It's broader than that. It can cover government employers firing you and public universities booting you. It doesn't cover private entities (generally speaking).
On the flip side. I’m all for protests but the second you stand in front of me and prevent me from walking to wArrington school for my finance class, you get removed. Schools have allowed these idiots to blockade any student from attending any class that the protestors are near.
for me the line is crossed at violence or threat of violence. You can yell at me and call me an ugly cracker honkey fat skinny tall Short whatever you want. They were awful but there was no threat or violence. Same goes for other side. Yell and scream whatever you want just don’t impede or threaten. Litmus test….I should be able to walk or drive through with earbuds and not pay attention
Is it true that while the one student making monkey sounds, the inclusive, progressive crowd behind him was chanting “Death to Jews!” ?
I would think it’s one level down to include harassment. eg If a group of students target a specific person because of their race, organization they’re in, religion or sex. But if they are perpetually berated with ethnic, misogynist, slurs, etc. even though they’re not threatened, but nonstop lambasting to the point of mental abuse. IMO a university should be able step in. Hence a code of conduct everyone agrees to upfront.