Scientists have discovered a new option for dating inorganic things that contain even relatively small amounts of iron. They evaluate the magnetic field of the metal in things like bricks. They have discovered that the bricks record the magnetic field in existence when the brick was manufactured, and by comparing it to the magnetic field in other bricks that were manufactured at a known date (for a structure ordered for a particular king, for example), they can figure out when the bricks were made. It can identify the date to within a couple years in some cases, which is much more accurate than carbon dating. Ancient bricks baked when Nebuchadnezzar II was king absorbed a power surge in Earth’s magnetic field | CNN
Definitely not what I thought this this thread was going to be. I could definitely use Gal Gadot (or even a Gal Gadot sex robot) right about now, lol.
Chem, I bet you didn't expect your thread to go off the rails by the mere mention of - GASP! - dating! BTW, interesting article. Interestingly, dating going back more than ca. 7'000 years, which is when some Christians say god created the cosmos, is seen as unreliable by them. Before then there was only the "void". (Of course, prehistoric folks didn't date.)
I always have the same thought whenever a new independent dating method comes along that contradicts Young Earth Creationism. I think it’s closer to 10K years they stand by, but the point remains the same. The planet, humans, and even human civilization date far older than 10K years.