I’m a rambling wreck from Georgia Tech and a hell of an engineer ,a hell of hell of a hell of a hell of an engineer! Like all my jolly good fellas I drink my whiskey clear … I’m a hell of a hell of a hell of an Engineer
1. West side of Ireland is beautiful, drove the cliffs with the family. 2. Dingle whiskey. Whiskey is above average, but what a great shirt. 3. FSU loses and I have two boys at GT. Neither really follow football but they know I hate FSU so they sent me a note.
I’m a twiddly twat from Agnus Scott who dated a guy from Tech. He took me to the Varsity and taught me how to neck He fed me all those V dogs and pitchers and pitchers of beer, and now I’m the mother of a 9 pound Engineer
I dated a girl of Irish descent once. She was so much fun......probably more spirit than any I had ever dated. This video just reminded me of her........
This next verse then is for you: Oh if I had a daughter sir, I would dress her in White and Gold ! And put her on the campus to cheer the brave and bold ! But if I had a son sir , I’d tell you what I’d do, He would yell “to hell with Georgia” “like his daddy used to do !! Ok that is my last one !!! Goggle the tune it’s cool