I have no idea but what I’m saying is they wouldn’t beat Florida if they played tomorrow and def wouldn’t beat LSU if they played tomorrow. They got both when there were first year head coaches, so much context that won’t be duplicated next year when they meet again. They do play LSU again next year.
I am a chiefs fan and I turn the volume off when they play that crap. Pisses me off they even do it. It was bad in the 90s when they would play it from time to time but now they play it almost constantly. I can't watch any fsu events at all because of it.
Coaches get fixated on their "prototype" QB and they overlook flaws and inconsistencies. Almost always happens with coaches who want Dual Threat QBs. Knowing good and well that the game has been dominated and titles have been won at all levels with solid defense and pocket passers. Especially if you have a stout run game. Hell, Trent Dilfer and Brad Johnson have both won a SB.
I’m a Padres fan and went to a four game series in 93, yep , they absolutely did that crap and my braves fan dad gave a tomahawk to my teo year old and had him doing it. My dad was a Bama fan so you can’t fix stupid.
Oh I agree, I just think once it became time to give up on franks there were other factors in play that complicated it
Growing up in Atlanta we had Chief Nokahoma and no groan and moan chop. I went to see the Braves beat the Phillies in the '93 NL champ series (won the game, lost the series) with my former BIL, a huge FSU fan and I don't recall the chop being done, but who knows maybe my memory is shot.
I was fortunate enough to go to game five of the World Series in Atlanta in 1991 versus Minnesota and they were doing the chop and the chant. My memory is also shot lol so I went and looked for video and found it. Here’s the entire game five and check out the video at 1:58:30. According to this article, it started with Neon Deion in 91. Braves' tomahawk chop, explained: How chant started and the effort to rid baseball of 'racist' stereotypes
Talk about testing the old man's patience..."Don't make me come back there...stop that infernal racket and go to sleep!"
In all fairness, and I would deny it if ever asked, Rocky Top is at least a little catchy. The whore chant is just mind numbing moaning, like the sound a 80 year crack whore makes while a group of inmates runs a train on him.
Scoring shuts them up. What’s anticlimactic about both those ridiculous noises is the Gators silenced them enough that you could hear the chatter of the fans in the stands. Then the Gator D came back on the field….
This really pisses me off. Can’t understand Mullen walking away with a dime after quitting on the job the way he did. I’ll always resent him for that — more than Muschamp and Mac. Anybody expecting excellence in this first year for Napier and staff really needs to stop and reflect on how incompetent and irresponsible and negligent our coaches were for the past 10+ years.