The women in that chamber should all refuse to comply. The only way you can characterize these people is as regressives.
Quite the Hail Mary here.
Reality is that rights are whatever five government bureaucrats on the Supreme "Court" say they are. So it doesn't much matter if the argument is sound. It only matters if it'll get five votes, and it won't.
Agree completely although I think the revision below is probably more accurate. Reality is that rights are whatever five government bureaucrats theocrats on the Supreme "Court" say they are. So it doesn't much matter if the argument is sound. It only matters if it'll get five votes, and it won't. This is what happens when legislators dictate medical care vs doctors. This person discovered late in the pregnancy, after the 15 week ban, in FL that the fetus was unviable. Fetus missing organs and other defects. While technically there is an exception for viability it legally isn’t clear and thus doctors aren’t sure if they are legally protected so refuse to do an abortion. The couple can’t afford to travel out of state (which avoids the question as to why they even would have to). So they have decided to have the baby and let it die in a few hours after birth. People talk about 15 week bans being like Europe, but European laws have far more flexibility to deal with situations like this. I hope the Christian Taliban are pleased with this result as they think this is what God wants to happen.
Not surprised at all. The Christian Taliban (I like your term) will probably use the same rationale when events like these occur in the US and they will sooner or later. Woman dies after abortion request 'refused' at Galway hospital Polish state has ‘blood on its hands’ after death of woman refused an abortion
I see the the snowglobe is melting down over having the right to exterminate inconvenient babies rightly removed as an absolute federal national right, and returned to the states where it ever belonged.... ...unless God forbid, you can sell the joys of baby killing to enough voters to change the actual law... ...alas, the real world is not the snowglobe.
Uhmm, "counselor," do you understand what the differences between an embryo, a fetus and a baby are? Once again, the snowglobe is an apparent place of clarity compared to that of your "perspective."
This is where you, as an American, fails. You may not like abortions and you may not want an abortion but that is you and your opinion is yours. Now mine, as an American, is that I am not in favor and am in favor of abortions which basically means that as a man it is none of my business. In your mind, and your post suggests it, you follow the Taliban Christian (I like the term too) mindset that women wake up after an alcohol laden orgy and immediately say "mmmmmm I need to run down and get an abortion" and that is your fail. It implies a woman needs a man to lead them and forbid them from a theoretical belief about the act. You are the same type that has no problem watching Russia kill men, women and CHILDREN daily and discuss it as a political strategy and not murder. Isn't that a form of abortion to you also..the killing of a human or is this one justified because they aren't American or don't look so helpless having bombs land on their homes. We anti gun folks are told to do the same for gun rights folks fyi.
Better question: do you undererstsnd the difference between a message board.. and misdemeanor courtt "ASA"?
I sometimes wonder if the big problem for the Christian Taliban is that of the pertinent terms ( embryo, fetus, baby) there is only one with a single syllable. LOL
Let's try this again... (snowglobe filter seemed to have found prior iteration perhaps too factual for the resident constituency...). Nevermind the constitution huh? All your analysis addresses is what you want, vs what you think I want--kinda like Dred Scott contorting the constitution to fit the Souths wants. Dred Scitt was dead wrong, as was Roe. As a matter of constitutional law, notwithstanding what sone folks wish(ed) it provided. As for Russia...what??? Who the hell ever said I or the right is in any fashion ok with Russia's atrocities against Ukraine, Crimea, or whomever their target du jure may be??? The only thing that stands out with Ukraine, is the LEFT'S selective outrage... ....and that (outrage) would be because Ukraine is the epicenter of globalist corruption, not bc Russia actually poses a worse threat than China and/or North Korea, nor bc its any worse than the attrocities occurring in Africa.
Adding once again that your entire post is based on the belief that a zygote the size of the head of a pin or an early first term fetus roughly the size of a kidney bean should be considered a human being the same as a full term baby or for that matter everyone who posts to this board. By the way at the time the Constitution was drafted a fetus wasn't recognized as a person until quickening i.e. when the mother felt movement roughly from the 16th through the 20th week of gestation at the earliest and even that wasn't reduced to law.
From the distinguished Senator (TT) from Alabama last week on the Capitol floor: "I am proud to be pro-life for many reasons, including my faith—another thing that I will not set aside for political correctness. However, even without considering religion, a society that allows abortion up to and past the moment of birth, after the baby has been born, isn't progressive. It's barbaric and it's murder." Those pesky multi-syllabic words like infanticide (fetus, embryo) get them ever' time. SMH
Florida’s degradation and devaluation of women on display LAKELAND — Deborah Dorbert is devoting the final days before her baby’s birth to planning the details of the infant’s death. She and her husband will swaddle the newborn in a warm blanket, show their love and weep hello even as they say goodbye. They have decided to have the fragile body cremated and are looking into ways of memorializing their second-born child. Nobody expected things to happen the way they did when, halfway through their planned and seemingly healthy pregnancy, a routine ultrasound revealed the fetus had devastating abnormalities, pitching the dazed couple into the uncharted landscape of Florida’s new abortion law. Deborah and Lee Dorbert say the most painful decision of their lives was not honored by the physicians they trust. Even though medical experts expect their baby to survive only 20 minutes to a couple of hours, the Dorberts say their doctors told them that because of the new legislation, they could not terminate the pregnancy. The mere vessel must display her sacrifice Tampa Bay Times
Sensationalistic drama mongering. Women under Taliban rule wish they were as "oppressed" as Americans think we are.