My wife is not amused, or at least acts likes she's disturbed, when I tell her I age out of my big LI policy at 70, so I need to make sure to time my death correctly
Yes, well I took note of which posters gave me a “thanks” emoji when I said I’m dying as fast as I can.
What a tragic mess. How is endangering pregnant women with the withholding of drugs and/or medical procedures helpful to the fetus? As the mother goes, so goes the baby. Dead mom, dead baby. If anti-choicers think these tactics are going to result in an increase in the "domestic infant supply," I think they're exceedingly mistaken. I would expect a reduction in the number of women willing to become pregnant.
I'd say Barry and the neo-progressive flash in the pan would represent the Boomer gen's last death spasms. Roe v. Wade was the cornerstone of what their generation stood for, the foundation upon which the sexual revolution was built, the institutionalization of me > anyone else (including a developing baby), primacy of privacy, of militant independence... And it's been over turned. The irony is that a Boomer--Trump--would be the person most instrumental in dismantling the Boomer legacy. Go figure. Well...ETTD's right? LOL!
Today isn't a good day and can't talk much. Friend in support group sent me this. And for us, as rape survivors, it sums up how we feel as women,how many other women feel at the hands of what seems to be a large number of republicans. You know why so many don't report? Cuz it's bring victmized over and over. It's reporting and being laughed at, sneered at,...called names, to maybe get charges,harassed & dragged, then if luky yrs down road get a conviction...that MIGHT allow u to get abortion. Half my support needed abortions & lucky no waiting. Take a long long look. Because this is how a lot of women feel. Before u say "well rape except ok", so we have to get violated b4we have rights? Does this apply to all of u pubs? Nothing absolute. But for most...yeah and you'll probably laugh or come on man me. For once don't care. Want u uncomfortable too.
This is actually the best thing they have ever done. While I can’t possibly get further away from the message, I’ll admit they have finally found a way to be clever.
They didn’t contemplate any of this, nor the failed history where this policy has been implemented before. These religious zealots will save *zero* “babies”, but there will be a body count of increased infant mortality, womens deaths during childbirth, women dying from sepsis, etc. All those things were anticipated and the warnings given. Now we get to watch the tragedies unfold. Just like mass shootings I’m sure these deaths will get “thoughts and prayers”. The issues around some of the drugs I don’t think were anticipated, because I don’t think many expected the zealotry to go that far. So apparently some totally innocent people who aren’t pregnant or don’t even plan to get pregnant are facing issues being able to access their medication, at least in the short term, just because that medication happens to intersect with abortion. Brilliant.
"Roe v. Wade was the cornerstone of what their generation stood for, the foundation upon which the sexual revolution was built, the institutionalization of me > anyone else (including a developing baby), primacy of privacy, of militant independence..." Actually, it you're going to attribute a single factor to the sexual revolution it wasn't the Roe v. Wade decision it was availability of oral contraceptives which predated Roe by well over a decade. As a matter of fact even the term "sexual revolution" was in widespread use well before Roe. The Pill and the Sexual Revolution | American Experience | PBS
This is the SCOTUS, not the legislature. Their role is not to craft law or public policy. It's to interpret law. Roe went way beyond existing law to address public policy. All the SCOTUS did here, is roll back the SCOTUS's assumed role of deciding cases in deference to public policy rather than the law.
Faster than that (at least for removing it temporarily), although it’s sort of complicated. Cooper’s injunction will take effect when he enters the written order (probably Tuesday). The state will immediately file a notice of appeal, and Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.310 provides that the filing of a notice of appeal by the state operates as an automatic stay pending appeal (meaning that his order would temporarily cease to be in effect). Plaintiffs will then presumably ask him to vacate the automatic stay (which would put his injunction back in effect), and if he does the state will ask the appellate court to reinstate the automatic stay (which would make the injunction not be in effect again).
You say this, with a straight face, as if the Court is now not just an appendage of the Fundamentalist Republican Party.