We literally just moved to a new building and may need another. Told you before about providers from Texas, etc, applying up here. Now we have a new cardiothoracic surgeon from Utah coming up, and interest from 2 more nurse practitioners (think 1 is from Oklahoma, the other from Missouri). Since tiktok has personal accounts, plenty there of OB/GYNs calling it quits and leaving Texas, etc. They're not going to risk going to jail for helping patients, or have to contact lawyers in the middle of the night to make sure they're covered while women bleed out. Traveling nurses continuing to cancel contracts or decline going to unsafe states. Have fun with the healthcare shortage because only going to get worse. Same with the brain drain.
So I'll put it here since it's the most recent. My meds are being changed again & I might have to get a filter put in. It's a simple procedure but between the med changes & stuff I need to continue to stay off here and rest when I'm not working. I managed to talk my boss into part time while I recover without losing my insurance so yay. This has been too important so had to come on. I'll still try to pop on some though. As a reminder, I was almost aborted. My mom made the choice to go against the doctors & have me. But it was her CHOICE. Forced births are a violation of basic human rights, even listed as such by UN Human Rights. A quote I felt appropriate.
My last quick food for thought (sorry...my brain) Those of you hiding behind the "states rights" thing. Republicans like Mitch McConnell & Mike Pence want the next step to be a NATIONAL ban on abortion. Where's your objection to that one? Thought it was a states rights issue? Now i remembered everything. Lol. Bye for now
Pro choicers shouldn't fret too much. Pretty soon all expense taxpayer paid abortion trips will be coming to a restricted state near you. Can see it now, 'Come to NYC on our dime, do the deed and then take in the sights while you're here'. Win, win.
That 'states rights thing' is the actual law of the land. Roe was an artificial construct that insulated the issue from the prickly terrain that exists under the law. Btw, the dems had multiple opportunities over the 5 decade reign of Roe, where they could have codified it, and rendered Roe obsolete. Alas, they neglected to. C'est la vie.
it's on the record that some do want a complete ban. Pence is one of them. In light of recent events, I think some worry is eminently justified.
Although Mike Pence doesn't have any actual authority with respect to abortion legislation he still has quite a following among a certain segment of the Republican Party and he has expressed support for the more extreme state anti-abortion laws as well as a nationwide ban on the procedure.
Ok, maybe some partial concern. But to read libbie comments here and you’d think a nuclear war was imminent.
I could argue about Pence's influence, but if you don't accept him, how about McConnell? By Thursday, however, McConnell was apparently willing to say the quiet part out loud. Asked by USA Today whether a national ban “is something worthy of a debate,” the top Senate Republican said Republicans might indeed entertain the idea, according to the interview, which was published on Saturday. “If the leaked opinion became the final opinion, legislative bodies—not only at the state level but at the federal level—certainly could legislate in that area,” McConnell said. "And if this were the final decision, that was the point that it should be resolved one way or another in the legislative process. So yeah, it’s possible.”