She didn't lie. Enough with the pushing your religion onto people bullshit. The same weirdos who were wailing "My body, my choice!" when there was a mask mandate and who were throwing a temper tantrum, stomping their feet screaming "My body, my choice!" when there was a vaccine mandate suddenly feel bold enough to tell other people what to do with their bodies. LOL. I hate having to share oxygen with these clowns.
Found out last night a good friend of mine just had to have a medicinally induced abortion because she had a ectopic pregnancy thay had to be terminated just at 15 weeks. In a state where there would be restrictions, she may have suffered serious internal injuries.
Except there's no such thing as privacy. Not in the Constitution. And the State of Texas, and others, are doing it anyway. If challenged now they have grounds to strike that. That's what this court just set as precedent.
And a reminder of this guy....have never cheered mistresses before but hope they all get pregnant and keep the baby, thus tarnishing the politicians' "family guy" images & wreck some careers.
In his Sunday morning service this morning, Donnie Swaggart said that the over 60 million babies who have been aborted since the beginning of Roe v. Wade are in heaven. Can't you picture it? Millions of fetuses lying around on those golden streets.
Even worse, the guy used his practice as a doctor to pick up mistresses (he had 6 mistresses amongst his patients, employees, and a drug rep). He won with 2/3 of the vote in his district against a "Pro-Life Democrat."
Absolutely amazing. The lengths people will go, risking life and limb, for something on par with an animal according to you. Also, even the pro-life states like to carve an exception for cases where the life of the mother is threatened.
I think you can be pro-life and still put "plan B" in the contraception category. It can prevent implantation, and it can technically be abortion-inducing, but it is primarily used to prevent conception... which makes it a contraceptive to me. But "hooking up" with someone without a condom or other form of birth control, then demanding "Plan B" after the fact is not really a classy move. It's one thing to make a mistake, then turn to Plan B as a couple, and it's quite another to choose not to use birth control, then demand the girl uses Plan B after the fact.
Must all murderers demand that murder is legal? Is everybody who acknowledges mistakes from their past a hypocrite or are they expected to stay in the dark place they once were because that has become their identity? Guy doesn't seem like a great guy to say the least, but the country would be worse off if people were forced to double down on all of their mistakes because they'd be considered a hypocrite if they don't.
It goes to show that it's too often what politicians say and not what they do. Donald Trump is the prime example. Donnie Swaggart said this morning that God put a man in place (Trump) to overturn Roe v. Wade. Trump's personal life doesn't matter ("That's between him and God"), it was all about what Trump said he would do if elected in 2016. All the "Christians" like Swaggart and his flock couldn't care less that Trump is such a despicable subhuman being. If he runs in 2024 they'll vote for him again. I guess even God will cast a ballot. (God: "Hey, his personal life is between him and me.") Come to think of it, if anyone can rig an election it's God. Trump's 2024 campaign slogan should be "With God on Our Side."
Except Arizona among others want Plan B banned as they call it an "abortion pill". Also, Arizona has a candidate (& he's not alone here) wanting to ban all contraceptives including condoms.
From twitter. And I'm turning off my phone. This was in reply to whether or not Republicans were okay with 13 year olds having babies. Considering the push to legalize child brides, yeah they're ok with it. This is the thought process some of you stand for. After all, what better viewpoint than forcing a child to have a child? It's not like forced birth is a human rights violation or anything. Just disgusted and horrified at the amount of glee about this. Turning off phone now.
I just got back from church discussing this mythical book and I am 100% aligned with her points. Why should my religious leanings drive any decisions in the federal government? I knew this was bad when the congregation had pockets of celebrating when it was discussed. I feel they’d be doing the same thing if prayer to Jesus was required in all schools. Then they’d shit a brick when required to pray to Allah under the next President.