If you don’t think the government should be involved in raising a child they shouldn’t force anyone else to do it. You’re a hypocrite
Forgot to share this. Medical professional tiktok on how to recognize & treat women coming in for attempted home abortions. Including in the comments to not run a pregnancy test so she's not reported or arrested. Like if it was 1950s, or some authoritarian regime. The country some of you want. Now I really am off to rest up. ✨Haus of Petty✨ on TikTok Get out of Gilead, folks, if that's not what you want. They'll never let you fight for change.
Just sad that some turn to the government to intervene in personal decisions that should be made by a woman very often based on the advice of a medical professional. Also, no one can legitimately claim to be prolife and that they care about "unborn"children when they oppose legislation providing universal access to prenatal care or for that matter guaranteeing medical care after birth. The reality is that today's so called conservatives actively support intervention by the state in what should be personal decisions.
Seriously. If they cared one lick about protecting the “most innocent” they would be all in on providing every gd thing the mother and child need to survive and thrive. But the most these self-righteous assholes offer are smug quips that the woman shouldn't have spread her legs.
The left and all it’s extreme hate is quite off putting for me on this subject. But I am pro choice and hope that more people would see that this should work both ways. Makes sense to me anyways.
Well in the Gilead model the economy is a wreck. The top sliver lives large and everyone else is essentially in servitude. That’s basically Mississippi already. Proponents of individual liberties should immediately stop with this type of wishful thinking. All those non-wealthy people have been getting curb-stomped for generations and don’t have the slightest bit of leverage to change anything. And I’m glad you’re feeling better!
If you're trying to draw an analogy between a fetus prior to viability and a baby following birth your logic is extremely flawed. An almost infinite number of persons are capable of caring for a child after birth and even children who require special care can receive said care from many sources. A fetus prior to viability is incapable of surviving outside the womb of the mother.
That's OK I have what the left refers to as white privilege, I can take care of myself. Don't need no reparations, don't need no welfare. I'll be just fine.
I’m not a pro abortion person based on personal experience, but this decision set us back, way back. No one has the right to tell anyone what to do with their body. No one. It’s a sad day indeed.
If life begins at conception, can you articulate why these frozen embryos don't count as innocent lives?
I fully understand the property angle. My first ex treated child support as access to my daughter. Pay me more or you don’t get any contact. My daughter was treated like property to be bargained over. Both of them living over seas made it more difficult to get the legal stuff straight
I hope you make a speedy recovery. Can't imagine all that you've had to suffer through in recent years. As for abortion, this is all about dragging the US back to the 1800s where white men controlled women. They think women's bodies are their property. The downside, regressive influence of religion. Next, reverse gay marriage rights; interracial marriage etc. The nutjobs won. The country lost.
Awesome news. Many babies will be saved. Also it's a win for states rights and the constitution. Planned parenthood just lost a lot of their baby parts trafficking business.
And to that point, why aren’t these folks taking their wives/daughters down to accept IVF of these embryos? They expect other women to carry embryos they don’t want to term to save these “most innocent” lives. I see little difference.