One is a real live human and the other is a potential human that deserves to be WANTED. Besides, you never answered my original question. Any foster kids taking up residence at 92’s house? You up for universal healthcare, childcare, family/maternity leave? If not, sit down and mind your own business.
Do as one wishes to their body. Killing the separate life inside or outside should be be a legal thing to do.
Nope - BS. No law should govern what a human being should be able to do with their own body. Baby doesn't exist without women's body to sustain it. Therefore, woman's body, woman's call. Eventually the sane will take back over in this country and the religious zealots will return to their rat holes in BFE and women will have the right to choose, once again. As should be their right.
Yeah, Cali will surely seek to secede from the union, should any federal law designed to give the baby a voice, ever be adopted. ...but we're not there yet, are we?
Laughable. Pro-choice people want to be left alone to make decisions about themselves- themselves. (Small government) Anti-choice people want the government to make that decision (big government).
Yeah buddy! I hope you're tapped as spokesperson for the codify Roe movement. Should be someone who loudly and proudly proclaims: "aint no human being in the woman...its just a clump of refuse cells! A different form if feces!!!"
Just sad that some turn to this childish government is the only answer in their quest to support the legal killing of future mothers and fathers.
Why would you bring up federal law? This was just ruled a states rights issue. Do you expect a federal law to be passed? You're telling me this isn't really a states rights issue after all?
Sad that some turn to the government to control what others do with their bodies. But I guess there will always be men out there obsessed with controlling women
410,000 kids in the US foster care system where only God knows the suffering and abuse that occurs, but the far right thinks all these babies they are potentially saving are going to get adopted and cared for. The amount of suffering and abuse doesn't come into the equation. Women will die. It is the thinking of child - you know, where the great idea isn't anywhere near the reality of the situation.
“Big gov” = I don’t want to pay a little more $ to care for babies born into poverty (even though in the long term it’s pays off).
People have the ability to speak in their states. So yes people will say a word. For their values. And many value Life.
While I don't agree with you on the underlying issue, your stance is at least a reasonable one and I respect that .
Roe stood for the proposition that Federal law does not recognize the humanity of an entire class of ppl. Just. like. Dred Scott. Again, all that happened yesterday, is that the people must now, again, wrestle with the prickly contesting interests of ststes v fed, vis a vis mom and...THE BABY'S rights. As a representative constitutional republic would require.
Adding that apparently by your standards an embryo roughly the size of the head of a pin or a 6-week old fetus roughly the size of a kidney bean and incapable of surviving outside of the womb is a "baby".
A baby does not exist once born without someone to care for it. It takes years of caring from conception to get each one of us capable of surviving on our own.