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Richard Dawkins Laments The Decline Of Christianity In England, Calls Himself "Culturally Christian"

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by Contra, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    This shows a perverted view of Christianity. It’s racist and essentially political. Nary a word about kindness and tolerance. The “left” you like to disparage also attend church and hold beliefs more acceptable to God than those you espouse. I tend to think the humble “leftist” is more acceptable to God than someone on the radical right.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  2. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    Wait, did you just say humble leftist?
    Not many of them around these days.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    WTH do you disagree with? Is it so hard to be specific!?
  5. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    BS! Either be balanced and serious or don't post.
  6. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    I am balanced, serious and I’ll keep on posting!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
  7. LimeyGator

    LimeyGator Official Brexit Reporter!

    During the time I've been given so far, I've actually saved someone's life.

    If that's not living my life wisely, and I'm all set for a one way ticket to Hell, I guess I'd best order a window seat. I don't think a God I could believe in could be that shortsighted.

    Alas, I don't agree with you... but I do respect that you feel that way! All the best, Sir.
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  8. gaterzfan

    gaterzfan GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 6, 2020

    Titus 3:5 He saved us, not by the righteous deeds we had done, but according to His mercy, through the washing of new birth and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
    • Like Like x 2
  9. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Ummm... YOU brought up feminity not me. I am responding to YOUR pov.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    Again I was responding to HIS use of the word "feminine" and how it is depicted in art. It wasn't my pov at all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  11. tilly

    tilly Superhero Mod. Fast witted. Bulletproof posts. Moderator VIP Member

    What? Wgb called the artistic images of Jesus "feminine" i am saying the person depicted in that artwork isnt the flipping tables type. Are we really looking for "gotchas" this hard guys?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  12. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    You might have saved a serial killer.

    You gonna own the blood on his hands?
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Come On Man Come On Man x 1
  14. phatGator

    phatGator GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    I appreciate that you posted how you feel on this subject. You give us a glimpse into your soul and that is a privilege for us. Your story reminds me of a story in the gospels when a rich ruler approached Jesus.
    Jesus did not put the requirement to sell everything on all the people who wanted to follow him. But he knew this man’s heart. The man believed he had done good and kept all the commandments, but Jesus saw into his soul and knew exactly what this man valued most.

    We all need to examine our souls. As already pointed out in this thread, the apostle Paul said that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. That some people live lives better than others doesn’t mean that the better living life should automatically get to heaven.

    The gap between us and God is like the Grand Canyon. An Olympic long jumper could get much farther across the canyon than I could. However, even the Olympic long jumper could not reach the other side. We would both fall into the chasm. This is what it’s like if we think we measure up in our own works to deserve eternal life.

    It’s admirable that you have saved someone’s life. It sounds like, however, that you want to set the rules for what should grant you eternal life. The Bible tells us what is needed for eternal life, and that is to put our trust in Jesus for the forgiveness our sins. Jesus is the bridge over the canyon.

    God made a provision for eternal life and offers this to you. The decision is yours to accept the offer or reject it. By the way, salvation is not just about going to heaven. Eternal life begins now and all the blessings that come from it!
    • Like Like x 2
  15. phatGator

    phatGator GC Hall of Fame

    Dec 3, 2007
    Dayton, Ohio
    The problem is we don’t know how the person whose life we save will turn out. It might be a serial killer, or it might be the person who cures cancer. We value life, and we do what we can to preserve it. The risk of the person turning out bad is relatively small, I think.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  16. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    I started a reply earlier today but was distracted for a few hours. Since returning to finish my response I had additional thoughts after writing and re-reading the following:

    Thank you for your reply. It has elements needing clarification, so echoing you I will take "take a stab."
    --- FULL STOP ---

    [Whether intentional or not the comment comes across as hostile, and I have no desire to echo hostility.]

    Also dropped from the 1st draft
    - First off, Jesus's recorded words in Matthew 5 read he came to "fulfill the law, not abolish it." The laws or 613 mitzvot traditionally dated to the time of Moses are written in the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible. Torah is a word that means both law and instruction. The 613 mitzvot were instructions. They are guidelines, intended to advise and instruct how one should best conduct one's life.

    The Jesus of my experience is not about "rules." Or commands. He taught and inspired love, kindness, tolerance and unselfish giving of one's self and possesions. He spoke his radical message out of compassion for his people, the Jews of his time, including the tax collectors and prostitutes, all under the oppressive control of the Roman empire. Even for the special servant of a Roman centurion he had compassion, saving the young man's life. There were no strict rules to follow to gain acceptance into his circle as Christianity in it purest form is not legalistic.
    My yoke is easy; my burden light.

    Charity is given out of love for the benefit of those in need and to relieve suffering. Good deeds are done out of compassion and kindness.
    "What you do for the least of these you do for me."

    Jesus would have been familiar with the Hebrew word for charity. Tzedakah. In addition to its customary meaning it also means justice and righteousness.

    I'm confused as to how the previous 6 paragraphs pertain to my perception of Jesus and the purpose of his teachings and legacy. Your intention is not clear enough for me to respond.
  17. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    Of course.

    I simply offered a potentiality to check his presumed righteousness on having saved a life.

    It was half TIC.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. 92gator

    92gator GC Hall of Fame

    Jun 14, 2007
    Sign of the times.

    Dude says he doesn't believe in God in a Dawkins thread...is accused of being biased on the believers' side. :confused:o_O:confused:

    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. wgbgator

    wgbgator Premium Member

    Apr 19, 2007
    Yes, and you responded by being like "uhh, could a woman knock over a table and take a beating?" That response was more an insight into your views (or stereotypes) rather than mine. I dont meant that as some kind of gotcha BTW. Anyways, nothing controversial about the idea that Christ is "feminine" coded in the Bible and especially Christian art. If you disagree, at best, he's basically sexless.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2024
  20. cocodrilo

    cocodrilo GC Hall of Fame

    Apr 8, 2007
    So you're saying we should not be judgmental about Islamic terrorism or jihad ("war against non-Muslims")? After all, that's how they worship their G-d, based on something or other in the holy book of Islam.