Autism and vaccines has been debunked. Everyone knows that. Event the Hollywood actresses who pushed that in the early 2000's.
I don't recall whether it was specifically mention in RFK, Jr's hearing yesterday but I do recall that he was promoting the falsehood linking vaccines and autism long after the theory had been debunked and that he continued to praise Dr. Andrew Wakefield the doctor who originally promoted theory long after Wakefield's research had been thoroughly discredited, the Lancet retracted Wakefield's original article linking autism and vaccines and long after Wakefield had been barred from practicing medicine in the UK.
Science debunks association with autism. Science strongly suggests autism connection. Everybody has autism. You and I could have a lot of fun with this.
These hearings are often frustrating to me with the loaded cross examination questions, cherry-picked arguments, and condescension. Having said that, RFK Jr. did not do well based on what I saw. That would be more understandable with a doctor, scientist, or tech expert who's just not adept at this sort of thing. But it's more striking to me since he's been around politics his entire life and made his bones as a lawyer - a good one as far as I can tell.
At one time we had a poster on here who was adamant that vaccines caused their child to develop autism. Nothing would persuade them otherwise.
Why are people lying so much about RFK Jr ? He’s been falsely propped up as an "antivax" leader, despite repeatedly insisting he's pro-safety, not antivax. He supports vaccines, calling them "critical" to healthcare & backing the childhood vax schedule. This shouldn't surprise anyone paying attention.
RFK, Jr's anti-vax history is a matter of public record. He only tried to walk it back or disavow it after he was likely to be nominated and after his nomination for the position of Secretary of HHS.
Predicting Breaking News: RFK Withdraws From HHS Secretary and is given a newly formed position called the Minister of Truth. MOT will also be the new trade name of a cryptocurrency Trump is launching headed by Barron.