Rep. Owens to Newsmax: We Finally Have Leader 'World Respects' | "We finally have a leader that the world respects, and that goes a long way. When we have respect, not only are you willing to listen, but you know that there's going to be some type of consequences, whether it be positive or negative … if they don't listen," Owens said to "Newsline." Burgess said he's not troubled by some of the economic waves made by Trump because America is heading in the right direction. "So I'm excited about where we are right now. And the fact that we're only, what, eight or nine weeks into this shows how quickly America can take its place in the front of the line once we have the right kind of people in charge to make sure that it's America first, and we expect to be respected and listened to." "So yes, we're going to trim down the bloat. We're going to put our kids first. We're going to have the smartest, most productive, and career-ready kids in our country, in the world. So we're going to be in that position," Burgess said, adding, "I'm looking forward to being part of it." I think most rational people think this also, mainly the far-left and a few of the fake republicans believe other wise
Some Trumppublicans stroke each other, and their Orange Daddy, and tell it to Newsmax? This is worthy of a thread? What, are you trying to achieve moderator status?
This kind of statement is directed at the base of people on America who equate their poor economic status and unhappiness with some form of American decline world wide. The statement is devoid of reality. These disaffected people simply cannot compete within the US, largely for to the decline in the middle class created by tax policy and the dilution of antitrust laws that have resulted in the accumulation of wealth in the top 1%. In fact, the US has been the leader of the free world and winning the economic and trade system. As examples, the cooperation of allies in Iraq, Afghanistan, the recent attacks in Israel by Iran. The worldwide banking system. All reflect the leadership if prior administrations and confidence in American stability. Our economy recovered from the pandemic faster than any economy in the world. While the world had a recession and supply side shortages that created inflation, the US boomed has had lower inflation than the rest of the world. The “world” doesn’t respect Trump. All one has to do is read what foreign leaders say in a daily basis— including about tariffs. They have to adjust to Trump and eventually they will. For now, they are dealing with Trump because they have to. Not because they respect him. Ultimately, there will be a decline in American leadership if the world. Because we are no longer predictable and are at economic was with the rest of the world— upsetting a system we have been the best at. And we are no longer needing our alliances.
Amusing to watch the sycophants elbow each other out of the way to get to Trump's ass so they can kiss it.
We did it folks, we finally gained the respect of top-tier nations like Russia, Hungary and Israel. Playin' with the big boys now.
Our kids?! We will leave them with more pollution, less national parks, more guns, less structure for education and more debt with trump/maga tax cuts for the wealthy. Generations will loathe what we did to them and especially loathe “maga”.
we know the libs on too hot have nothing but hate towards Trump but much to their chagrin it appears they are in the minority
Counterpoint, if someone was truly respected, you wouldn't have to make posts about how respected they are. Moreover, if you agree with what he's doing, how "respected" he is shouldnt matter to you at all - conservatives will never be cool or liked (that requires actually liking things and people, and not getting mad at everything, however petty), so stop fooling yourselves.