Another right wing hero is going down in flames…. This time it’s the Kentucky clerk who refused to issue same sex marriage certificates after SCOTUS green lighted it. She has been order to reimburse $260,000 in legal fees and a $100,000 verdict against her from a couple that had to sue her to force her to do her job. Poor lady… Gonna have to sell the trailer… Ex-Kentucky official Kim Davis, who denied same-sex marriage licenses, owes over $360,000 after new ruling | CNN
Ah yes. It's the lady who has been married three times who wanted to tell us about the sanctity of marriage. I remember her
Huh...I thought she was y'all's hero, being a government bully, abusing her office for her own political agenda...
I’m sure a lot of people forgot her name. But anyone who paid much attention to national news in 2015 would have well aware of her story Jailed clerk called Christian hero in scene gay rights activists hoped to avoid Christian group honors Kim Davis with award | The Hill Kim Davis court clerk citing 'God's authority' to stop gay people getting married
It was everywhere, including long discussions on Too Hot. The links I posted were just a few quick ones where she was called a hero at the time, compared to MLK and biblical figures like Daniel and Silas.
Said it when she first appeared in the news years ago, if Kim Davis couldn't issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple because it violated her religious principles she should have resigned from her position as county clerk. She essentially got what was coming to her for remaining in office and explicitly refusing to fulfill the statutory duties of the office. She decided to become a martyr to the religious right and it backfired on her. I also tend to agree with @tampagtr, a liked minded wealthy person or a conservative religious organization will probably end up bailing her out.
Don't recall all of the specifics, but I felt like there would have been a way for someone else in the office to issue it?
Yeah, such a typical "libbie" position for her to take: to deny a gay couple a marriage license. You guys are all for small government until you are not. E.G. reproductive rights and telling other people who they can or cannot marry. Hypocrisy much?
I think in the end possibly as the result of a court order requiring her office to issue the marriage license one of her assistants ended up issuing it. yall are all for using big gov for the little guy....except when it comes to the littlest who have no vote or voice... Hypocrisy much?
Like most religious fanatics, you don't like your dogma questioned. How about you do you and mind your own business?
As a civilized society, we do not condone the taking of human life. Abortion is the taking of human life. You are correct in suggesting that I have no direct, vested personal interest, and gain nothing by standing up for the most vulnerable of our species. But I do have a stake in our shared civilization, and believe that the sanctity of life is a cornerstone of that civilization. That's my stake in it, which makes it as much my business, as your apparent vested interest in shedding innocent blood for the sake of libertine sexual practices, and 'sex without consequence.'