Vladimir Putin's Death is 'Imminent' as Moscow Scrambles to Find a Successor for the 'Terminally Ill' Russian Leader: Report - NewsBreak “ Vladimir Putin is “terminally ill” and his death is “imminent” as the Kremlin struggles to find a successor for the Russian leader, RadarOnline.com has learned. “In the latest development to come after months of rumors and reports that Putin, 71, was battling several different conditions and diseases , a Russian Telegram channel claimed that the leader’s death is “imminent.”
There are few people whose death would be welcome. Putin’s, along with Trump’s, are two of them. The world would be slightly better.
He did look pretty bad in videos where the message was being controlled to make him look as good as possible. Id be surprised if he wasnt already dead.
We all saw the video of his tremors. He definitely has some health issues. Or is it one of his body doubles that has health issues? But yeah, I’ll believe his death when it’s official. He’s been “near imminent death” for at least a year now.
Looks like my post that he was dying of thyroid cancer was April 18, 2022, so 18 months ago. Reading it again, the rumor was only a terminal diagnosis, not imminent death. So maybe it all fits together War in Ukraine
I think an actual death would be hard to cover up for long. They could probably cover up an incapacitation for a few weeks, before speculation would hit fever pitch. Kind of like whatever happened with the North Korean dictator awhile back.
The speculation about using a body double seems far fetched. I’ll put this is the same category as Hillary’s supposedly potentially fatal balloon watching seizures in 2016.
a recent video of him talking about Israeli war. I’m about as anti Putin as they come but this doesn’t appear like imminent death.
My fear, if Putin is really dying, is that he decides to press the button and take the world out with him. "So you think I can't even beat Ukraine, eh? Watch this."
Besides his narcissism his physical health I would say is not good. I think waiting on his death would not be a good strategy though.