I thought at least at first that he was just trying to test the tape or test how much push-back he was gonna get. I think I would have tried tried petting it and saying a couple nice words, lol. Maybe that wouldn't have worked either, but I am skeptical that this routine was in the manual.
The speed and velocity at which the sunglasses got smacked off his head lol. Those glasses are probably in orbit
Yeah, my guess is there's a logical reason he's tapping that thing on the snout like that, but I couldn't tell you why. Either way, just goes to show you better respect the danger of any job at all times.
see how green it is and wear it out before putting it in truck if it still had fight left in it. gator played possum
Yeah the jaws are taped shut, but a Gator's tail is also powerful. He's actually lucky that all that happened was flying sunglasses.
I got hit in the stomach by the tail of a baby gator at Fuddpucker's. Took my wind out. Tried to play it cool like nothing happened. The photographer/handler was trying hard to hide a big grin.
The taping is because gators have very little strength irt opening their mouths, but amazing psi when closing their mouths. The average man can hold a gators mouth shut without tape.
Remember in 2017 when John Kelly of Tennessee did the chomp after that TD in the Swamp? Then BAM! Franks to Cleveland knocked them out. Yeah. This is natures version of that.
I've never messed with an adult alligator. Maybe touched a baby one at a zoo or something. I have held a couple snakes, and the density of their muscles was pretty incredible. No thanks!
I took an airboat tour in Louisiana many years ago. One of the things they do (which they probably aren't supposed to) is toss marshmallows in the water to get some younger gators interested, and then they grab a 4'-gator and bring it on the boat. Then they pass it around with instructions to make sure the mouth is held shut while they take your picture. My wife was horrified and would not even look the gator in the eye--she had to handle the tail. It seemed like an eternity to get the photo taken. I was afraid I might sneeze or something equally stupid and drop the gator in the boat and we'd get our legs gnawed off.