Whatever man. If I said something milquetoast like you did about "death makes me sad" you wouldn't give me any extra credit or say anything different. When I did say similar stuff in passing on the main thread we had on the war, people still called me an anti-Semite terrorist supporter. That's why I dont play this game. And again, I've never asked anyone to denounce anything, because it literally doesnt accomplish anything and its the stuff people make fun of activist college freshman for doing.
This is what pissed me off. Have not seen this confirmed, and likely exaggerated, but no doubt there were easily avoidable injuries. My general framework is that schools can enforce policies, so long as they do so with some modicum of consistency. But you start with school discipline, which you should be able to be communicate through phones. Then you communicate that principled civil disobedience means you are willing to risk arrest, and they will be arrested. You explain that they are not capitulating by not resisting arrest, referencing numerous historical examples. They will simply be arrested, hopefully by campus police, and processed unless they resist, and I mean really resist, not the modern police concept of resistance (he looked at me funny so I beat him while telling him to stop resisting). You approach with officers not in full riot gear unless you have specific reasonable belief that there will be violent resistance. You don't gratuitously abuse, which hopefully shows others how it will go. Too much of what has bothered me is not that students will face consequences - that is part of principled civil disobedience. It's that administrators, whether because of fear of funding or Congress, or something else, seem so intent on treating this message as especially dangerous, and so many of the angry public want to see gratuitous and unnecessary violence as a way of deterring an unwelcome message. No doubt if this graduated approach is applied in 10 campuses, some of them will still require more vigorous enforcement after actual resistance. But just like many people may not throw the first rock but would throw the third, etc., many "resisters" would likely accept arrest without incident or violence if they were not met with preemptive violence and vitriol. A non-violent arrest is a good thing unless you want violence to suppress the message or signal that the messengers irritate you because of their identity. Harvard and Chicago have used versions of this so far with success, at least for now. And quit expecting the impossible - perfect message discipline, etc. And prosecute attacks from counter-protesters like at UCLA fully.
My son has had 4 finals this week, I would guess that is true of the whole university. Just doesn't seem like a great week to stage crazy protests.
This touches on some of the debates about over policing. Of course, the lesson many took from 2020 is that the cops need more training (which isnt deescalation training) and can never be defunded because that's bad. I read that the NYC unit that was sent to Columbia was created as a counterterrorism unit to stop ISIS attacks. Of course, its never been used for that, but it has been used to clear out homeless encampments and such. This is typically how militarized police get deployed, because we throw them money for all these fanciful hypotheticals, but then they get used on ordinary unarmed people in shows of force because their stated purpose exists mostly in the hypothetical. The scenes and reactions to these protests don't really bode well for the possible Trump 'fascist' takeover.
This is not free speech ! It’s a hit on the fundamental base of our nation . You allow the radical Mideast turds to encamp and cause havoc .. you know what will come next . They have already infiltrated other areas . Stand up and protect your country counselor!
As I’ve posted before, this is organized and funded by groups beholden to Hamas, a US-declared terrorist. Meanwhile, here’s an interview with a Hamas propagandist. We’ve all seen video clips of what took place on October 7 - the videos by Hamas itself boasting of its rape, murder and torture of women, children and the elderly. After the fact, given the luxury of time, they simply say it didn’t happen that way. They hurt no woman, no child, no elderly — they targeted only soldiers (ignoring how they stormed a peace concert). It’s worth a watch to just see how easy it is for them to lie, and how someone who might not know better just accepts it as truth, because the lie is so much more believable than the atrocities that bear reality:
@ajoseph I recommend giving this a read. I have no doubt you will disagree with the students' stances (there are certainly things I disagree with), but they don't come off as uninformed to me: From the Encampments: Student Reflections on Protests for Palestine
Not sure why you are worried about a Trump fascist takeover. We have millions of gun owners out there that have solemnly assured us that they need to stay intensely armed so that they are ready to resist tyranny. I'm sure they will be prepared to step up and resist any attempt by Trump to abuse the civil liberties of any person. After all, that is what they are all about - been telling us for years
I'm sure the cops holding back while a fascist mob attacked some demonstrators at UCLA is not a vision of the future at all
Very bright students. It’s a shame they are grossly misinformed, and their universities let them down by allowing them to learn from propagandists who tell half stories bolstered by half truths with bogus conclusions (I’ve seen the curriculum in some of these “classes”). It makes me all the more convinced that the research by the GT team, that led to the complaint I cited earlier today, is absolutely on point. Did you notice how not a single one of those eloquent stories mentioned the bombs that parade the Israeli skies, and well before October 7 and well after? And I know it must by now come across as preachy, but not a word about the serial rejection by Palestinians of a two state solution. We hear about how Israel has “walled them in, yet nothing about the the stronger, taller wall built by Egypt. We hear how Israel won’t offer “fair employment,” but again, what about an Egypt? What about Qatar and Iran- their very sponsor? What about all of the wealthy surrounding middle eastern states? No …. It’s all Israel’s fault. They demand the divestment of Israeli companies, who actually produce record-breaking advancements to healthcare, agriculture , computer science and so much more. What has Hamas produced? Other than weaponizing the region, what has Qatar given society? Their rationale and demands are disgusting.
It will be heckuva party GoFundMe For College Students Who Protected American Flag From Pro-Hamas Protesters Surges Past $420k+ | The Daily Wire The GoFundMe page that was set up this week to fund a party for the college students who protected the American flag from pro-Hamas protesters at the University of North Carolina has surged past $420,000 in just a little over a day. In what became an instantly iconic photo that was viewed across social media tens of millions of times, a group of young men from the UNC-Chapel Hill chapter of Pi Kappa Phi could be seen holding the large flag, preventing it from touching the ground.
“The fascist mob.” Got it. And yet again, where’s your outrage when those same “demonstrators” beat, entrapped, tased, and threatened Jewish students. Meanwhile, aren’t you the same guy who said police shouldn’t be at the protests? And now when your anti-Israel protestors had push back, you cry for the cops to be there to protect your people? Please, keep telling us more.