Where did I say their organizers were anything but professional and skilled?!?!?! Don’t confuse the masses with the handlers. Big difference.
The most important question is: does your solution lessen the danger or increase it? Do you think organizers would like to sell young adults on their ability to be heroes by standing up to the power of the state to oppose what they view as genocide or waving a flag in a state approved event that will likely do nothing to impact the situation on the ground around the world?
So who's coming up with the demands you say change all the time? If its the "handlers" they dont sound like they know what they are doing, if its "the masses" then it sounds like the handlers have little influence. I'm just asking you to explain your incoherence and your fantasy of who these people are. I mean to me its just made-up horseshit, but the least I can allow you to do is explain yourself.
The wishy--washy part comes in trying to figure out what resonates with the gullible foot soldiers like you, looking for what notes to hit to get y'all jacked up about and motivated. Seems to be working masterfully--so much so, that they literally have LBGQT... fools protesting for ppl. who would sooner kill them, than accept a cookie from them. TBL--the 'amateurs' part, are the idiots they're coaxing into doing their bidding. The puppet masters remain...masters.
You said the Columbia people cracked down "too late." It looks like UF did it after 5 days. Why do you think that is a solution that would work over the long-term but the Columbia solution didn't?
There are plenty of protests that are wishy-washy and without coherent demands or reasons (Occupy Wall St was one), this isnt one of those. This one seems pretty straight forward to me. America is aligned with a state actively engaged in the destruction of a civilian population, and they think that should stop. So easy a child could understand it, maybe even someone that talks about "puppet masters" unironically.
Compare the results at UF with the results at other schools. We had a relatively peaceful ending. Look at the other schools all across the country and the mass arrests, suspensions and expulsions of students. Here’s a summary of what transpired at other schools. UF is the poster child of how to handle the issue effectively and peacefully. All the colleges where Gaza protests are taking place
Not to pick nits, but that's not quite accurate. "The Klan" wasn't (isn't, still) a single entity per se. It's comprised of various sympathetic, like minded, loosely connected, but independent groups. In fact, the KKK still exists--in vestigial remnants of losers in closeted pockets here and there, reminiscing about 'the good old days', when they were hip--like Hamas is, today. The KKK in all its manifestations has faded though, mostly because we as a people, rejected their shit wholesale, and rendered anything Klan, radio active. (so I'm agreeing with you there--i.e.--not b/c of any government action). Also agree with you in so much as endorsement of hate speech has no place in civilized society (like when say, you let Hamas cheerleaders spew antisemitic hate on a university campus--you're essentially, tacitly, approving of their message.... I digress...). Tolerance of hate speech OTOH, I think is a different deal. You kinda' want them spewing their shit to ppl can see what they're actually about. Certainly within those parameters though, we can choose not to tolerate hate speech that specifically targets an actual, identifiable group of our own citizens, who are entitled to their own protection, more than haters' to their right to spew their hatred.
LOL! Yeah, never mind that Hamas invaded Israel. On October 7, 2023. Did you forget? That's just last year. They invaded, killed, and raped. Women and children too. ...in @#$%#$% fact... They STILL have a bunch of those human beings. ...and They--by which I mean, the warm, fuzzy, terrorist invaders d/b/a "Hamas"--are hiding behind *innocent civilian population*. Tell me more about this "unironically" business...
The Klan had a central organization and thousands of local chapters. The Klan was successfully sued by the Southern Poverty Center, and thereafter the structure folded,and its power structure was vanquished. (Lots of other things happened, of course, like it’s “hero,” DC Stephenson of Indiana, was exposed for being a rapist and murder in the 1920’s, but it was reconstructed in the 50’s and 60’s to oppose the civil rights movement). Here’s a quick timeline of the bankruptcy … https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/10/us/michael-donald-case-timeline/index.html
No, the poster children are the ones who don't even end up on that list. For example, Johns Hopkins had an encampment. It is gone. Why isn't it on the list? Because they didn't arrest any of their students. It wasn't "relatively" peaceful when it ended. It was completely peaceful. And how sure are you that UF's protests are at their "end?" A quick cursory search through Instagram shows a bunch of planned events going forward and campaigns to raise the bail for those arrested. Doesn't sound like it is at the end.
John’s Hopkins reached an agreement with the Palestinian organizers to divest investment in Israel. John’s Hopkins gave in to terrorists. I don’t find that to be a good solution.
School is over in 2 weeks. So the “protests” will be carried on by the “outside agitators,” as Sasse calls them. Pretty similar to what’s going in everywhere - some students organized by outside influencers. A good example is Emory, where the vast majority of “students” arrested turned out to be … shockingly … not actual students at Emory.
So which of the following pitches might be more attractive to a student: 1. Spend your days waving a flag while the administration watches you and everybody else goes about their lives. 2. Resist the power of a tyrannical government taking away your rights to free speech to oppose genocide. You really think that these "outside agitators" prefer option 1 to option 2?
I stand corrected, and thank you. The agreed to disband their encampment and continue with their protests in an agreed upon manner. See below. University leaders share message on pro-Palestinian protest on Homewood campus I am reading rumors — just that for the moment — that the protestors are breaking their deal with the school, so we will see if that deal holds or of the police are called in after all. Brown is the school where the Board made a deal to start divestment. See below. Johns Hopkins protesters agree to disperse encampment following hours-long meeting with administrators
Had a prof. At UF who wrote a book on the Klan. Was going off memory there (though i dont even remember profs name, so im sure ive forgottena lot else...). But if you notice, even in your article, it specifies the entity sued as "United Klans of America." There's like the kinghts of the kkk, and other such tweaks on the name... Btw, in his book he said the "national HQ" at the time, was in Arcadia FL (while there were also other "national HQ's", in Illinois, Indiana, and other places). So it's a bit confusing, but to my understanding, never a single entity. Perhaps more akin to a franchise. Jmho/fwiw
It’s a fair point, but I think it’s flawed. A protestor who has taken the time to be indoctrinated and literally encamped, is a true believer in the cause. My best guess is that they are demanding university action, and they will not “surrender” until they get their way. They know that they are part of an international movement. And remember, many of the en campers are not students at all. But, to your point, yes … at some time the typical student’s attention deficit disorder will give way to way to the next exciting moment. But when will that occur?