The definition of a recession is contraction. I wont be surprised to see high unemployment, lower prices, and contraction of economic output. Hopefully that doesn't occur, but lowering of prices is never good.
On many products they are. Europe has had tariffs on US products for a while. Anyhow let’s have an adult conversation. The issue was supply since the industry lost millions of chickens. The question is, even at a higher price from importing eggs, would it lower the prices here since the supply issue would not exist.
Considerably less than we have on their products. The EU imports 347 Billion Euros in products, while collecting about 3 Billion Euros in tariffs, meaning that the average import to Europe has far less than 1% tariff into Europe. Sure. Start by not making ridiculous claims and we can go from there. Yep. Huh? People import products because they are better, lower priced, or both.
Wow where do you live?? I never had prices that low. I typically buy range free which was $11 per 18 a few months ago. Just bought some for $8 the other day. Are you just going to ignore the increase on prices that happened under Biden? Just what you paid a couple of years ago Geesh you all are helpless here. Anyhow, back to laughing at the ridiculous comments you can find here.
Average price per dozen, Grade A Large Eggs Updated every 12 hours • Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics (APU0000708111) and USDA with minimal processing by Quick Insights Select time period for data displayTime period Current Price $5.51 / dozen as of March 2025 Average Price $3.28 / dozen selected period Highest Price $8.17 / dozen
Eggprices were $2.03 October 2023. I am just having deja vu on gas prices... they went up (Its AlL bEcaUse BiDeN hAtes oIL!) then they went down (tHey wEre $2 A GaLlOn UnDer tRuMp.. during covid). Normal humans know that egg and gas prices are President agnostic unless Trump tariffs them. I do love the claim that Trumps policies are working now though. When prices shoot up around Easter I am going to be wondering if his "policies" are still working.
When you collapse demand prices drop. Reminds me of MAGA parroting cheap gas while covid was locking down the country and nobody was driving.
22% of America think Trump is on the "right track" on pricing. Three in five Americans say the cost of living is going in the wrong direction | Ipsos The latest Reuters/Ipsos survey shows that many Americans remain pessimistic about the direction of the country generally. Most Americans do not believe that Ukraine started the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and most do not agree with the isolationist sentiment that Ukraine’s problems are none of our business. A majority of Americans support the general idea of downsizing the federal government, but many do not support the current policies and policy proposals that are being floated to do that.
Tangentially related, 28% of adults can't do math. I assume the overlap is significantly high US,perform basic addition and subtraction.
Time to change the thread title I guess. Lowering prices are great for people who can’t afford to buy a home.
Crashing the economy is good for prices, bad for employment, bonuses, wages, tax revenue, and everything else.