Next fight in the culture wars, incoming. FDA panel backs first over-the-counter birth control pill in US
That this would be remotely controversial and not already OTC is just proof of how powerful wackos are in this country.
I’m sure they’ll use the same tactics they used with the Covid vaccine. They’ll find someone who had a side effect then sue to have it removed from shelves. Of course they won’t touch tobacco products or alcohol that always has deadly side effects.
Not really any different than Claritin going from prescription to OTC 25 years ago. Not sure why this would even be controversial. The drug itself has existed for 50 years.
Only a matter of time and it could be very soon before the theocrats challenge the decision keeping in mind the Roman Catholic Church as well as a number of conservative protestants consider birth control immoral including persons who may not be against contraception in principle but would oppose making the pill more accessible because it could theoretically encourage sexual relationships outside of marriage.
I can see some dude who doesn’t like the idea his girlfriend wants to keep the baby slipping one of these pills into her drink.
Probably wouldn't have any effect since it's a contraceptive intended to be taken in advance to prevent pregnancy not a "morning after" pill intended to be taken after intercourse like Plan B.
I suppose it would be overreach to require the buyer be of a certain age. Perish forbid at least requiring any parent who wants to give their 13 year old daughter their blessing to have sex to buy it for them and worse yet, make sure they're not going about taking it half-assed. Would that be too much to ask? Not everyone who is prolife takes their orders from the Vatican, and not everyone who is prolife wants to raise grandchildren. Even if you're prochoice and abortion is available in the event of a contraceptive failure, it isn't a procedure to take lightly.
Interesting thread. We have one poster that doesn't understand how contraceptives work and another that doesn't know that contraceptives have other uses besides birth control. This is why people that don't understand the issue at hand probably shouldn't be making the rules.
Then why don't you regale us with some insight and add to the conversation instead of casting insults from your lofty perch? If your second insult was aimed at me, yes, I know that contraceptives have other uses besides birth control, but in those cases, a physician is going to be prescribing them. This is about contraception.
This is simply about over the counter medicine, the same as if your doctor told you to take ibuprofen. Again, you would do well to stay in your own lane on this one.