I don't know a single person on left that wants this crazy post. Mods, do your freaking jobs. This is unacceptable nutjob tin foil BS.
"Not Sure Democrats Could Be Any More Evil" I don't know, they could be on another thread about Ukraine, cucking for the Russians.
Why is it every time we see video of these random attacks on the streets the attacker is wearing a hoodie? Seems a bit odd to me.
Easter Sunday, some people spend time at church. Some just want to spend it with family for a nice meal, some want to unwind. Me, I did a challenging hike on a really nice day here, as some trees are starting to show leaves and some other plants and trees are in full bloom. Four miles of the out and back is along a creek that has water falls and the summit has a nice view. Bear Church Rock for anyone in the area looking for a nice hike. I came back to find the OP went for finding a self reinforcing anger article with classic generalizations and sweeping stereotypes for their Easter Sunday. To each their own I guess.
On a related note, some Republican nutbar in Congress says we shouldn’t send a dime of humanitarian aid to Gaza, instead we should “get it over quick” like Hiroshima and Nagasaki. https://www.axios.com/2024/03/31/tim-walberg-gaza-hiroshima-nagasaki
I am DEFINITELY judging. I hate it when a traitor attacks our country, such by enacting a conspiracy to overturn an election......by coercing public officials, establishing fake elector slates, repeatedly lying to the public, and encouraging a violent attack on our Capitol that left about 100 cops injured. Yeah, I definitely judge people who support THAT, especially public officials like a former POTUS. You? At least you found a shred of your moral compass in time to complain about the daughter of some journalist. Congrats or something.
Lol, you guys Crack me up. I love our country and I know Trump will bring our back from the shit that Biden has done. I not judging, just pointing out the facts
Totally. He'll do things he failed to do in his first 4 years, when his party controlled all of Congress for 2 years. He'll fix health care. Build a wall. Balance the budget. He'll do all that ___t. I just cleaned up some of my dog's poo. I'm still judging- I judge it higher than Donald Trump. It didn't attack our government. You can get the last word now with your judging. People here are rilly rilly bad if some journalist's daughter says something?
Good lord Rick. What nonsense. Plenty of rightwing nutjobs killing in the streets as I recall. I disagree with many liberal policies but your view is a step way too far.
Says the guy with multiple accounts sending nasty PM's to posters he disagrees with. If we don't do our jobs than why are you hiding behind multiple screen names? I mean, nothing to worry about.... Right?
FL2-- I'm a lot more consistent with your politics than opposed to them...but if this is what was on your mind on Resurrection Sunday--I strongly suggest taking a good long break from this toxic environment. Like clear to Pentecost. Come back refreshed. Just an honest suggestion--for your benefit not mine--I'd actually miss your contributions here. But at the end of the day, the shit you wipe off your ass and flush down the toilet, is more important than the skank of this joint--and don't kid yourself--it takes its toll. JMHO/FWIW.
It was a crazy post. I am not sure what terms it violated though, which would have been a better reply by a mod to have said than whatever you are posting about.