Never heard of this case (and I think you mean Walgreens based on internet search), but seems crazy to not charge based on the video. The “security guard” basically commits a violent assault right out of the gate, then after they wrestle he shoots only after the guy gets outside the store and is retreating. I assume the guy was at least an actual shoplifter? But either way doesn’t look like proper force.
I probably wouldn’t get involved or get between some (presumed) shoplifter and a security guard either, TBF. I’d just keep walking. I’ve seen a few incidents like that minus the shooting aspect. Just looked like a run of the mill brawl, until the “security guard” shot the guy dead at the end.
Good thing the security guard was black or it probably would have been murder. Hey just playing the too hot game.
Corrected title. Yes it was a Walgreens. Was very surprised the DA didn’t indict. No idea why. Especially San Fran.
Got a soft on crime rep with businesses closing and companies leaving so the pendulum overcorrects, again
He shot him after the dude was outside the store? Did I miss something? Did the dead man have a gun too?
Well everyone is armed so it makes sense. I agree it’s unfortunate for sure but you’d be absolute idiot to get involved in the middle of that.
I wasn’t even considering the danger of people being armed. Good point. I was just considering that people are than willing to take out their phone than put out their hand and step in.
Yeah everyone trying to catch a viral moment on their phone. But I still don't blame anyone for not physically interceding here. Ain't trying to get shot over some shampoo that isn't even mine.
Video released of Banko Brown shooting by SF security guard I'd like to think there was no need to kill the man, but I'd also love to jump inside this guy's mind and understand what he was stepping up to the security guard for again as he was leaving (you can see him making aggressive gestures towards the security guard). Just turn and walk away, and you still live. It's the situations that are seemingly unavoidable that bother me more than the ones like this one (still tragic, but on a completely different level in my view). Obviously still feels like an excessive use of force, but that's a pretty high level of "Find Out" that the victim was seeking, again, in my view. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
All the would-be interactive bystanders here must not watch much Internet. EVERYONE WILL SHOOT YOU TODAY. And this vid shows you that in addition, you will get no legal relief. There is basically no risk in shooting someone anymore. This guy isn’t catching a charge for killing a running man. I suppose because the DA knows damn well he’ll establish a “threat” defense, because there is no longer a bar to jump. It’s down to “I am always scared, of everybody, everywhere.” But you’re going to jump right in? Ha, the shooter is scared of you too bruvs.
Video shows Walgreens guard killing trans organizer Banko Brown as he left store Here's a little more on it... Wow, really sad. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS