Not going to bother with yesterday's rabbit holes. I'll just note that you posted a shitpile to bury the fact that you agree that the neo-cons left the GOP for the democrat party.
You suggested that rabbit hole, but I guess actually thinking it through is too much to ask. As far as neocons swapping parties you’d first have to define what a “Neo-con” is. Like… can you name me an example of an actual neo-con that actually switched to the dem party? If it’s a “let’s bomb bomb bomb Iran” military interventionist like John Bolton, then no, I don’t think anyone like that has actually switched parties nor does that represent the position on the left. It obviously doesn’t. You appear to be suggesting anyone that isn’t an “America first” isolationist or wanting to walk away from historical alliances is now a neo-con. That isn’t a major shift on the left or neocons swapping parties, it’s the exact phenomenon I just described. Republicans politics has been bifurcated with a shift towards isolationism/protectionism (stuff you used to see moreso on the far left). Which BTW is exactly what our enemies want to see and why they spend so much time messaging that horsecrap on social media. America stepping away lets them walk into that void. You think that track ends well?
Democrats in power appear to be exactly what our enemies want. Eg--China and Iran loving our open borders; Hamas invading Israel, then somehow deploying an army of sympathetic support through our Democrat party, Leftist academia, and media... ...and of course, Russia invading Ukraine. The only remaining question is who/where, next? (House money on a terrorist attack in the US--and the only thing holding them back, is upon whom shall the blame be cast?)
Seems to me, whenever there is an attack, you should blame the entity that carried out the attack. Barring some evidence of a failed response or obvious missed intel. Whether that was: -Al-Queda/Taliban on 9-11 (justifying response in Afghanistan) Russia invading Ukraine. Hamas attacking Israel. Or in the case of Iraq, that would be the U.S. creating that mess in Iraq. That was OUR totally unnecessary folly. Nice to see you are already crossing your fingers hoping for a terror attack to fit your politics tho.
The 1993 attack on the WTC appeared to be carried out by Kuwaitis. It was (most likely) orchestrated by Hussein. The American reaction to the Hamas attack on Israel, defies logic (in the academia, the democrat party, and MSN), coupled with public at large, as influenced by social media. TicI tok...tic tok goes the doomsday clock... It appears to be a dry run of Beijing's ability to manipulate us. Quite possibly Ukraine-Russia as well, given the left's inordinate passion for Ukraine. Of course before Ukraine, there was the voluntary pi$$ing away of >7 trillion dollars to fight covid.. Beijing pulls puppet strings... our nation dances like marionettes to Chicom music. And hell no I'm not pulling for any terrorist attacks agsinst us. Just reading the tea leaves plastered all over the wall.
The issue with Israel-Hamas conflict is that it’s a disproportionate response. We support the DEFENSE of Israel. But the mass destruction in Gaza is disproportionate. Perhaps it can only be disproportionate given the reality on the ground and the terror tactics. But still makes you question some of what they are doing. I just read a story about the Israeli army killing a group of journalists across the Lebanon border at close range with not one, but TWO tank shells (the second presumably to finish them off). Reuters journalist Issam Abdallah killed by Israeli tank, investigation finds Sounds intentional given the distance and markings (the theory is they wanted to cut off their live feed). So when can we expect that tank crew to face their version of a court martial? Obviously this is just one small example in light of many thousands of civilians killed overall, it calls into question how many were necessary. Now it sounds like Israel is going to flood the tunnels. No doubt those tunnels need to be destroyed eventually. BUT, seems like they very well might kill their remaining hostages. Unless there are further talks. So again, is this a proper course of action? Is it even legal, knowing the likelihood of killing their own people. Is it antisemitic to criticize the state of Israel at all??? No such moral quandaries exist in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. Russia is a criminal gangster state run by a despot. Ukraine is a former Soviet vassal state of Russia, and Russia (more specifically, tzar Putin, wants it back). It’s really as simple as that. To accomplish this goal, Russia is bombing the hell out of Ukraine infrastructure and using terror against the population. Russia is both the aggressor and the disproportionate destroyer of lives and property in this conflict, on the other hand Ukraine is in effect “not allowed” to carry out cross border attacks (barring some limited acts of sabotage). The U.S. has purposely limited their capabilities to not cross that line. Probably the right thing terms of ensuring a “defensive” support only (keeping the clear demarcation between defensive and aggressor), but it allows Putin to more easily shield from the Russian people that they are even truly at a state of war.
I do find it amusing you are ranting about neo-cons, while still digging real deep to justify the Iraq war. Cognitive dissonance is a helluva drug.
The other difference is that the U.S. clearly had no intention of staying permanently in Iraq or taking control of Iraq's natural resources, while I think the entire world would be shocked if Russia defeated Ukraine, and then rebuilt it as an independent nation and walked away from it without taking anything. Putin believes that Ukraine belongs to him, and the only people that have not gotten the message are the Ukrainians and the countries supporting Ukraine.
Vivek Ramaswamy has his first time channeling Frank Drebin of Police Squad. Frank, err, I mean Ramaswamy, was on a teleconference with Elon Musk and about 100,000 listeners when he wore his microphone into the bathroom to take a leak. Obviously, in a dignified, presidential way, if possible. Vivek Ramaswamy appears to broadcast himself urinating during live X talk You can listen to it here:
Most recent New Hampshire poll. While it could be an outlier the Orange One's lead has shrunk to 4% with 4% margin of error.
According to Trump that poll is fake