Since the real Trump Derangement Syndrome is the extreme form of Narcissistic Personality Disorder exhibited by the defeated indicted former president the damage wrought by TDS and by Trump are synonymous or in other words they're one and the same.
I would much rather see a 12-consecutive-year limit on terms in both houses of Congress, although Congress would probably never vote for that. If someone wanted to be a career politician, and were well-respected enough to get votes regardless of who they were running against, they could switch between the Senate and the House every 12 years.
Nikki Haley gets an "A" from a debate expert on the last republican debate. One other candidate was rated an A+ and was said to have given the finest campaign speech ever: Chris Christie. The Swamy was given an "F". DeSantis scored a "C". Opinion: The finest speech ever given in a presidential debate | CNN
I'm glad Haley reminded us that she believes DeSantis's awful Don't Say Gay law didn't go far enough.
With fairly limited and poor alternatives we are sometimes left having to interpolate where a politician will actually govern as president. She is no doubt socially conservative but she is also politically malleable so I doubt she is going to support anything too off the charts in that respect. But who knows.
Wrong. She's the worst and therefore the only one with a chance to win. She's the second coming of George W. Bush (though far more intelligent), the most friendly to the neocon war debt machine and therefore the winner if the Democrats succeed in getting Trump out of the way. The money masters will allow it.
Ironically, the Left did such a fantastic job in so thoroughly eviscerating W's legacy, that they rendered the notion of "neo-con" radioactive within the GOP (hence Trump), while exposing their own hypocrisy by becoming the new welcoming home for neo-cons, hence Russia-Ukraine, now Israel-Hamas, and God only knows who/where next, before we get the incompetent senile buffoon currently occupying the WH, the hell out.
You're clearly the kind of guy who gets a speeding ticket and figures out a way to blame it on the left. No one but Bushco is to blame for the fate of Neo-cons. And stopping Putin or Hamas is not the same thing as Dubya's quixotic foray into Iraq.
FTSOA, let's say we accept your assertion here as to why - the point stands: the home of the neo-cons is now the dem party, not the GOP.
How South Carolina’s Republican Governor Brilliantly Dismissed Anti-Trans Bathroom Laws Her position on this will change back and forth. She has no real positions. She will look great though in the upcoming fake news CNN debates. The RNC agenda and the CNN agenda are the same.
W left us the Iraq boondoggle and the great financial crisis on the way out the door. I’d say he did a fine job eviscerating his own “legacy” without any assistance from the left! I think you are unintentionally correct about one aspect of this: W’s failures broke the minds of the Republican Party, creating a clear split between the country club conservative/neo-con wing of the party and the isolationists, populists, and other assorted crackpots. This is why, in my estimation, the GOP now spend so much time pushing social warrior issues in recent years. There’s only so many topics that can rally both “bases” in the Republican Party. The comparison of the U.S. Iraq boondoggle to Ukraine and Israel/Hamas are so far off base it’s hard to know where to begin. Most obviously, in both these current cases it is defending against an aggressor nation or terror group (Russia in effect both) essentially by providing aid/supplies (no U.S. boots on the ground), whereas in Iraq the U.S. was the aggressor with its military boots on the ground. The Bush admin also carried out a propaganda campaign, a hard sell job to get the invasion across the finish line. Maybe not as dystopian as the propaganda and state media apparatus Putin deploys for his “special military operation”. But still, the selective intel about WMD’s and “freedom toast” were at least… propaganda-lite. Supporting sovereignty and freedom shouldn’t be partisan… that’s what’s going on in Ukraine and Israel… and with no U.S. boots on the ground it’s hard to see the overall support of them as debatable. Some of the tactics and specifics are of course debatable.
Imagine if you will, thinking the federal government needs to tell people which bathroom to use. You have entered a place outside of time and space known as the Twilight Zone.