that is interesting because years ago they wouldn’t rate it due to the unusual nature of it. I don’t know if the charity per se was the issue. The issue would be they would use it as a source for influence. Third parties like governments would contribute to it, as they were pet causes of the Clintons, with the potential that such donations would grant them favor from the Clinton while Hillary was in office or was a candidate. In addition, it was often coupled with, but separately, very high speaking fees for Bill and Hillary. None of it was illegal but it had the optics of influence peddling.
Although the Washington Post article included a nice graphic it was rather deceptive. It included both political and philanthropic donations and covered a roughly 40-year period. I would agree that the optics weren't very good although that didn't hide the fact that the Clinton Foundation was a genuine charitable foundation. As far as large speaking fees are concerned and I would also agree that politicians receiving large speaking fees when they're out of office may raise questions, the Clintons were not the first nor are they the last. Although it seems trivial now it was a near scandal when Reagan received $35,000 to give speeches before Japanese businessmen and after she resigned her office as governor of Alaska Sarah Palin was paid almost as much for a one hour speech (around $100,000 plus expenses such as transportation on a private jet) than she had been earning as governor (less than $150,000 a year). Once again conceding that the optics didn't look good, the Clinton Foundation was a real charity unlike the Trump Foundation which the Donald used for personal expenses and illegal political contributions.
It also provided a good living for many FOB's who were employed there. Kind of a slush fund to keep cash flowing to your friends. As I recall, they simply doled out $$ to other charities so it was hard to determine a rating since they were essentially a clearing house. Nowhere as bad as trump though
Nikki Haley has really been offering up some genuinely terrible ideas lately. Add another to the list: five-year term limits for "bureaucrats." Just a remarkably stupid idea.
Untrue. TCF hired people who actually did the charitable stuff where other foundations just throw cash at other people to do it.
Agree. What an awful idea. Just when I think she has redeeming qualities she goes and says something off putting.
While Jamie Dimon is a Democrat these are his views this regarding the Democratic Party. Sounds a lot like the sentiment that a number of conservative posters have expressed on this board. Considering his views he could easily support a rational Republican.
Ramaswamy Stuns Nikki Haley Into a Blank Stare: 'Look at That ... She Has No Idea' (
PS that debate was a shit show - and the fact that losers like Ramaswamy - who is going to drop out, and DeSantis, who should drop out before he embarrasses himself anymore, went after her CONSTANTLY, but were afraid to go after Trump, shows who they think the current #2 is.
I don't know where she got this statistic, but I was a little surprised to hear her take this position. I wonder if she has any numbers about X. Nikki Haley Claims You Become ‘17% More Anti-Semitic’ Every Time You Watch 30 Minutes of TikTok Per Day “We really do need to ban TikTok once and for all, and let me tell you why,” Haley declared. “For every 30 minutes that someone watches TikTok every day, they become 17% more anti-Semitic, more pro-Hamas based on doing that.”
If it wasn't already obvious three of the four candidates on the stage are running in what is most likely a futile attempt for the Republican presidential nomination while one of the candidates was clearly running for selection as Donald Trump's running mate. Hint: It's a male candidate of Indian decent.
Don’t know what it is about South Carolina, but Nikki Haley is vying, with Lindsey Graham, for the title “Craziest Human Being on the Planet.”
Unless Nikki Haley starts posting that viruses aren’t real daily for two years… she’s safe from being the “Craziest Human Being on the Planet”.
There are only two reasons why I want to keep talking about viruses: (1) crimes against humanity (2) unprecedented mass-derangement. Apart from that I’m ready to move on.
I hardly watch TikTok, but I’ve probably watched an aggregate hour this year. So, according to the Haley index I’m 34% more antisemitic than I was in 2022.