Read that this morning. Don't recall reading Will's political opinions in awhile, didnt realize he was still active. Looked him up and he is 82, good for him.
My biggest problem with voting for any Republican, even including one of the few reasonable ones, is the judiciary. The Supreme Court is doing some pretty radical things and hearing radical cases.
President Biden edged out former President Trump in a new poll, leading by just 1 point. Biden’s support is between 45-49 percent against each Republican running for the White House, including the narrow lead over Trump. Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), however, has a 2-point edge over the sitting president, according to a new Fox News poll. And, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley tops Biden by 4 points, the survey shows.
In almost every general election poll Nikki Haley polls better against Biden than every other Republican candidate including the former president yet she only polls in single digits in every Republican primary poll with the notable exceptions of New Hampshire and her home state of South Carolina and even in those states she still polls well behind Trump. Doesn't say very much for the rationality of Republican primary voters who behave more like members of a cult than rational voters.
Nikki Haley’s quote from a recent town hall in New Hampshire. “You don’t fix Democratic chaos with Republican chaos,” she said later in the town hall. "We need stability. We need focus. We need discipline."
I didn't say that. I said there is no majority level support for this style of governance in the GOP. And even she tries to throw something in now and then to appeal to the deplorables.