If the Republican party nominates Donald Trump or the various personalities jockeying to imitate his divisive, crass behavior, we will lose.” Nay, the country will lose.
This is BIG news... some guy named Hurd, who I didnt know was running, has dropped out and moved his less than 1% support to Nikki. Here comes the Nikki wave. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4246570-hurd-drops-out-of-2024-gop-race-endorses-haley/
Who said it was big news? Every point Nikki can absorb or take from other candidates is what it takes. There are a few others who need to bow out and I hope Nikki takes those points as well.
For Nikki that's big. 1% of the voters is huge to someone pulling in a measly 7% which is half of Gavin's numbers and he isnt even running.... officially.
Given that the title of this thread is "Haley vs Biden", it seems pretty absurd to call this post "off topic", but that's TH for ya.
Bluke, I really hope Haley wins the primary but I’d give that probability single digits. What is the scenario where you see Haley winning the primary? Most republicans are married to Trump, and most are MAGA leaning, so even if somehow Trump bowed out I don’t see Haley prevailing.
From George Will: Opinion Tim Scott, please drop out, urge others to follow and unite behind Haley https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/10/10/tim-scott-drop-out-endorse-nikki-haley/
I’m cautiously optimistic but not that much. There’s a WSJ article out today that describes how Haley can beat trump but I can’t read it. Maybe there’s a path, its probably a narrow one.
It’s a long time till we get deep into the primaries, and I think Trump will find it difficult as time moves forward. All it takes is for him to lose a few and momentum can quickly stack against. Him. Haley may just prove to be the ideal benefactor.
https://archive.ph/2023.10.10-13265...sing-nikki-haley-to-beat-donald-trump-fafd472 The article is by Will Hurd. It doesn’t really say anything. My take is there is still a small group of republicans who think the republicans can recover from the Trump insanity and get back to normalcy. I think they are borderline delusional to think that. Until those republicans, including yourself, decide that Trump is unacceptable, period, vs saying you don’t like him but end up voting for him because Democrats “are worse”, he won’t go away.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/10/10/tim-scott-drop-out-endorse-nikki-haley/ George Will encouraging Tim Scott to drop out and support Haley. Particularly interesting because Will’s wife works for the Tim Scott campaign.