Ironically Trump is the exception. In his case his nasty personality is a positive to members of the cult that worships him. As far as they're concerned it's another indication of his ability to "own the libs".
Nikki Haley has ramped up her fund-raising in recent months, a sign that her performance in the early presidential debates may have invigorated her 2024 candidacy. Ms. Haley, who, according to her campaign, has raised $11 million across her political committees, entered October with significantly more cash on hand that can be spent on the 2024 primary than Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida — $9.1 million to roughly his $5 million — even as he out-raised her overall.
There is a verifiable barrier to every potential female POTUS that a percentage of the population considers it a man's job only.
Nikki still has lower odds than Michelle Obama . 2024 Presidential Election Odds: Trump Favored to Win, But Biden Not Far Behind
Giving Nikki Haley some credit, she is now number two behind Trump in the most recent New Hampshire poll having passed DeSantis. The bad news for her is that she still trails the Orange God by 28% although the momentum is in her favor. A positive note is that a victory or even close second if the trend continues could provide her with some momentum in future primaries. That being said, absent an unexpected intervening event like Trump agreeing to drop out in exchange for a plea agreement, the nomination is still his. While Iowa and New Hampshire award delegates proportionately, Florida the first large prize in terms of delegates to the Republican National Convention is a winner-take-all state and Trump still has a virtual lock on that primary meaning that even a close second would still a total loss for Haley and even that is not likely. Nikki Haley jumps to second place in New Hampshire behind Donald Trump
Because it is the second primary it could have a disproportionate impact on future primaries. Although it's ancient history, after losing in Iowa Reagan's victory in New Hampshire propelled him to the nomination. I would add however that the difference between him and George H.W. Bush was relatively small in Iowa compared with the lead Trump has over the field. As far as DeSantis concerned even though he is still leading nationally his numbers have continued to move in the wrong direction.
I would say that the average R voter in NH is less maga than nationally which works well for Haley in that state but her gap to Trump is still HUGE. Any comparisons to the Reagan years are meaningless in the current environment. IMO.
Its Biblical. 1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For those that are close adherents of the Bible and believe it to be the inspired word of God or even inerrant word of God, it means something. They won't even ordain women pastors and if they won't ordain a female pastor they will never vote for her for leader of the free world. A sizable proportion of Republican voters hold this view. I have a female friend who went through a Baptist seminary but could find no Baptist church hard up enough that would even interview her. This was why.
It’s all changing…and fast. I mean you could have said the same thing about Americans electing a black president. It will happen with the right person.
There have been polls reflecting that some voters won’t vote for a woman POTUS. So it’s an issue. But yes it’s changing and it will happen. Both things can be true.
It strikes as a dumb thing to say because even with a terrible female candidate in Hilary it almost happened. Just need the right person.
CNN — Former Texas Rep. Will Hurd announced Monday that he is ending his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 and is endorsing former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley. “it is important to recognize the realities of the political landscape and the need to consolidate our party around one person to defeat both Donald Trump and President (Joe) Biden.” The former congressman and CIA officer, who had struggled to gain traction in a crowded GOP field dominated by Trump, offered a stark warning to his party: “If the Republican party nominates Donald Trump or the various personalities jockeying to imitate his divisive, crass behavior, we will lose.”