For once I agree with you, only God can truly see what is inside any human being… although we can seek discernment, and be gifted with it to varying degrees. The truth is since we are all flawed, we don’t really know Mark Richt’s , or Joel Osteen’s , or even Urban Meyer’s relationship with God. (I’m pretty sure that includes politicians, but they very well could an exception ) What we can use as a template is found in Luke 6:43-45 KJV. Verse 45 sums it up “ A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh.”
Did you not call this bulletin board material? I would think the implication of that characterization is that this would piss the players/fans off. IMO, it's pretty meh. Either way, I hope we are the ones doing the ass kicking.
Little known fact about Doug Mosley. He was the same official who called Tony Green out of bounds in the Sugar Bowl in the 70s against Nebraska when Tony was clearly in. We would have won that game. “ Wes Chandler was Percy Harvin before Percy Harvin was born.”
I was there for Ciatrick Fason going off for the Zooker. My FSU buddy and my brother didn't have as good a time as I did.
Lol... I'm not playing anyone one this weekend. And neither are you, my good Gator friend. But know what you're saying here. I do hope that our players and staff are laser focused on Vandy. Mike Wright is the real deal, he's fast and loves to run in the open field. We have better shadow him closely.
I never got that vibe from him. He screams "inauthentic" and "politician" to me. But hey, I'm biased. He's fine for a Head Coach in the SEC. He ain't Mother Teresa.