I understand that every couple of months information about a new battery technology is released promising to be the next greatest solution. And then you don't hear about it again. This one is different. Sandy Munro has labeled it the "Holy grail" and the best thing to have ever happened for electric cars. If you follow the electric car industry or watch "Autoline After Hours," you are very familiar with Sandy. He is a constant fixture on A.A.H. anytime electric cars and their technology are the topics. He is the "Teardown Titan'. Manufacturers will bring their cars and other products to his facility to be torn down and given guidance as to improving quality and the manufacturing process. He has consulted with Elon Musk on more that one Tesla. This is a printed flat battery. If you simply lay one on top of another, it doubles the voltage...with no connecting cables. Before the Sakuu, Munro considered the 4680 cell, frequently used in Teslas, as the best battery available for an EV. The Sakuu can match the 4680 cell in performance while weighing 1/3 less and taking up 1/3 less space than the 4680. They are currently going through endurance testing....1000 charge/discharge cycles, but so far everything looks good. Seriously, if this guy is this excited about the Sakuu, we should be, to0. Interesting video, it shows how merely stacking them increases the total output.