Move up the season 2 weeks and start the playoffs the week following the conference championship games. The schedule would be as follows. Fall classes start 8/21. Start the season on 8/23. That gives 14 weeks to play out the season before December. Championship games the first week of December. Playoff games begin the next week, so national championship game would be held the last week of December/first week of January. Classes start for the spring semester the following week on January 5th.
Need a perspective change. These are pro athletes who are also attending classes, no different than like someone in management going back for an MBA while working. The calendar is jacked up though, either push the season foward a bit or move ESD and portal back significantly.
A qb needs to be at soring practice if he hopes to start for another school next year. Many less open qb spots in the summer and not much time to learn the system. Football and tge classroom just cant mesh perfectly.