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Museums to remove Native American displays

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by rivergator, Jan 26, 2024.

  1. cron78

    cron78 GC Hall of Fame

    Feb 25, 2022
    I know about the Hurons and Iroquois because we learned briefly about them in elementary school in the ‘60s in Quebec (LaMacaza joint Bomarc missile base). That was right before the annual spring field day for which the entire school was divided into the two tribes for fun outdoor athletic competitions after a long hard winter. Imagine the horror that activity would catalyze today. We probably should have been divided into Hatfields and McCoys, but does it really matter what two groups we pretended to be as long as we learned a bit of history and the two groups had a longstanding habit of competition over land, resources, and pride? Heaven forbid we would play cops and robbers because someone would believe it was a dog whistle for cops and rioters and assume it was all about race or insurrection instead of innocent child’s play.
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