G Liddy is on another site that will remain nameless here and he is as obnoxious, narcissistic as ever and still a legend in his own mind. I didn't get that from skeptic at all comparatively.
I recall gatorpika leaving as well. This is starting to shape up to resemble an Atlas Shrugged scenario. The finest are leaving the mainstream and taking the best ideas with them, leaving the takers(libbies) to fight for the scraps. I can’t wait to get the invite to go live in the mountains away from the govt takeover.
Correct, wasn't L'ville the one who made a bet (was it with @docspor?) that Covid cases would not eclipse 10k or something like that? But I find your other hypothesis (okee) compelling. Just not sure why skeptic would need to change his user.
Several years ago. dallas was posting a lot during the early part of the pandemic and then stopped. He used to post quite a bit in the den prior to finding his way to too hot.
People change their usernames to disguise previous established identities for various reasons. The clever ones are capable of affecting and projecting new identities to obscure their intentions.
Lacuna nice of you to start this thread. My first go around on here was in the Meyer days. I left around the sharkboy era bc of some pretty bad personal attacks. I returned years later but have learned to have a quick trigger finger on the ignore button. GC has been a good place thanks to the mods
Skeptic was def not liddy. Not even close, imo. Like many/most here, there was occasional crap-talking from skeptic, but also something of an effort at discussion. Liddy was a complete joke. antny nailed it, a legend in his own mind. ahh, the conexodus to find a safe space. That was as funny as it was pathetic.
He posted like crazy for about a year and then just suddenly stopped. Near as I can tell this was his last post: War in Ukraine
A couple of you mentioned you could not find skeptic's profile. It is on the site ... slightlyskeptic As I posted earlier, I have no proof Skeptic was a reappearance of Liddy (G Gordon Gator). Only an inkling in an occasional similarity in their writing styles. As so many of you disagree with my intuition I will not make an issue of it.
I discovered the boards in 2003 when I was in Oregon/Utah/Alaska and was desperate for anything Gators related. I preferred the looser atmosphere of the gatorsports message board at that time but I was a member here as well. A few years back Hallgator ( God rest his soul) questioned my claim that I was a long time poster because I had to make a new account after losing my old one so my history only goes so far back. I've always had the same name but added a 1 to it. Hall was always genuine and kind and he remains a great loss to NBN.
@rthomas4488 was the only poster I've ever met in person. He disappeard a few years ago. Not sure his profile is even active anymore. He was just starting a family so hopefully they just got busy with important things.
I exchanged a few PM's with him. Nice guy. Up front and honest about his fight to overcome a drug addiction. Kicked it, got married, and a daughter was born. Then he suffered a stroke and was fighting to regain ground lost to damage from his stroke.
Why do people change names? I was forced to a few years back (year says I joined but I really joined in early 2000's) when some kind of change was made to the site. I used to be called 420Gator back then.