IIRC, back when a bunch of cons left here for that site, I lurked for a short period and remember how people mocked that GC has moderators and that folks get banned here. I believe the owner was in on that mocking. My My, how instantly things can turn on a dime. In any case, I appreciate moderated sites. Social media can provide an endless supply of rope for people to hang themselves and unmoderated forums can too easily exploit the worst of human impulses and tendencies.
They probably hate me over there. I made the move over just in time to join their pickem contest. Won the grand prize a 62" Smart TV then when they changed their political board to a paid board I jumped ship back over here. Thanks OX the TV is a good one.
OBOB got banned on the night of the Idaho lightning game that only lasted one play I believe. I dont remember what it was, but it was something over the top.
I said a prayer for your wife by the Torah today in synagogue. Thanks @lacuna for mentioning her name here.
Thanks @duchen and @lacuna. I am doing pretty good now, Jeanie is still struggling with the COVID issues, (coughing up mucus and gagging) she is improving. By the way lacuna knows mine and Jeanie's names because there was a time we thought we might be related. We both have a great grandmother buried in rural Alachua county by the name of Joseph Ann. It turned out they are not the same person....how strange? I believe if I remember right they both moved here from the same area of Georgia to escape the Civil War too.
I remember the discussion. A rapid return to health for your wife and you. You are further along but your wife will get there soon.
Yeah, I took a quick peek over there too. You, @tilly, and @duchen were really popular among their crew.
Oaktown was great. I think he just graduated from Too Hot and then posted a bit on the Den before calling it a rap.
Was OBOB also Gatorsean? He disappeared from swampgas suddenly a few years ago. I like both of their takes on the sports boards.
That’s how I plan to go out too. But in reality, I will likely stay 15 years too long, becoming obsessed with some baffling conspiracy which I invoke in every single post. “US dollar plunges in international value” “Of course it does! That fire at the General Mills factory in 2043 didn’t just burn up cereal you know!!”
Back in the late 1990s/early 2000s I changed my screen name, perhaps at one of the times we had to. As I went to post under the new name, I was immediately banned. An email to the powers-that-be showed that I had picked the name very close to somebody who was banned. After convincing them that I was not that banned person, they let me go free (and have probably regretted it ever since).
Row6 was banned some years back. We PMed a few times and I learned he was a couple of years older than me and a year or two younger than Trickster - who was not posting on Too Hot at that time. Row graduated from GHS probably in 1963 or so. He left Gainesville and moved to New England, either Vermont or New Hampshire, don't recall which one, and was banned around the time he moved . And yes, Fastsix was also banned. A loss, imo. In the first weeks after the radical righties fled to chatter elsewhere I went over and spent some time reading their then public grousing about GC. They fed and nourished their manufactured gripes against "biased mods", emboldened and encouraged by GGG, the Pied Piper who led them there to assuage his long time resentment. Few, if any, of them were aware they were pawns being used in his long planned scheme of vengeance. One of the first threads posted after their mass exodus thread was a welcome thread posted in TOS's Lounge forum. A poster who registered and posted as "vertigator" on the thread had them stymied, generating speculation as to whom that poster might be. Some thought it was 'vertigo0923' a former poster and a one time moderator of The Pub. One even thought it was Holly (the now late NanaGator) and another speculated it might be @dangolegators . And a few, like @92gator , thought it was me. For clarity to set the record straight, and for a few kicks I knew would stir their self congratulatory pot of vengeful self satisfaction, I registered and posted with the username 'Mind_the_Gap', a play on 'lacuna' which is a term for a missing section or piece, i.e. - a gap usually in music, architectural structures, or manuscripts. I did not want to directly sully 'lacuna' with any association to the ugliness endemic on TOS. Strangely enough there are numerous posts on that thread quoting GGG, but the original GGG posts that were quoted have been deleted and no longer visible. I've no clue who deleted them but left the quoted traces still visible. I mention this thread because it is the single remaining publicly visible thread connected with the right wing mass exodus back in the summer of 2018. It was posted in the 'Lounge' forum on TOS and not the political forum that was closed to non paying members after the Jan. 6 insurrection. It's full of names most of you will recognize. I am not going to post the link to this thread. PM me if you want the link.
I've seen this platform change twice, and the last time I thought I'd lose not only my name, but my #of posts. They were all set as joining GC in April 2007, but I kept my name and my post count. I have no idea when I joined GC. I stayed away from Too Hot, it really turned me off with the personal attacks. It's not nearly that way anymore My name doesn't fit anymore, but my Abbygirl's picture will be there to stay!