Not sure if this changes anything, but the media will sometimes use existing file mugshots of a perp. My cousin was recently murdered in Jacksonville. The mugshot of his killer used by local TV was from his killers previous felony arrest. I think it is conceivable that if there is no prior than the outlet resorts to social media posts. I dont know. Just adding that possible caveat to the conversation.
No. I am actually for full legalization, not that I’m “pro-drug”. I just see the war on drugs as a total failure and absurd waste of resources that could be spent elsewhere. I think a lot of mass shooters probably did add some drug usage into their degeneracy. But it’s not even like I am suggesting something absurd like outlawing Call of Duty or violent video games or movies. We’ll leave that to the Christian nanny-staters. But there’s definitely a lot of violent and racist kids on there. I’ve heard it with my own ears. It’s kind of creepy that kids are growing up like that. The bigger issue is obviously somebody supplied this 15 year old with the gun. If it’s the parents and there were advanced warning signs (I.e prior mental health issues) and they gave him gun OR left theirs unsecured for him to use, hopefully they are charged like those parents in Michigan.
I agree and disagree or rather "expand" on Bling's comment - Maga culture ..... it sure is ............. Liberal Culture ............ it sure is............American Culture - Absolutely - PERSONIFIED. We evolved from violence as hominids in the evolutionary struggle for survival, for millions of years actually, since the advent of Homo Sapien Sapiens, 300,000 years ago, it has been suggested we wiped out another hominid species called Neanderthals. From the dawn of human collectivized history, in the Levant and the cradle of civilization, (Tigris and Euphrates River Valley) we have a long and extended history of violence and destruction. For thousands of years one successful city state would arm themselves and "sack and burn" there neighbors taking everything from them. The Sumarians, the Assyrians, The Akkadians. reference "Sauron of Akkad" the leader of the historically recognized "First organized Army". Read about the Bronze Age collapse (1177 BC) where archeologists have dug up one great city state after another - The Hitities, The Greeks, The Minoans, The Trojans every great City State along the fringes of the Mediterranean - Sacked and burned........... Egypt was in a constant state of warfare from one end of the Nile to the other. Continue to Persia, Greece again.............. The Jews, The Babalonians, The Romans, The Carthagnians The CRUSADES On and on and on we fight and destroy ourselves. Go to the Americas - The Aztec, The Inca, The Maya - war and more war. Go to Asia Go anywhere you want - you CANNOT escape WHO we ARE! What did our forebearers do? From Europe - NOTHING BUT WAR, WAR and more WAR! Go to Africa - non stop tribal warfare .......... How did good ole England get Rich? - By first rates, canon and musket.......... Go to the 20th century - The Kaiser, The Czar, that wretched bunch of Windsors ............ The King of England included. Imperial Japan WW1, WW2 (Nukes) Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, now Ukraine. And 10,000 more not mentioned. Tomorrow - Who knows. We are a WRETCHED, wretched barbarian species. We hate OURSELVES, we hate our planet and we hate all the living things that have had the bad luck to coexist with us since we evolved. We have proved UNDESERVING to co-exist with other living things on this planet and we will turn eden into an ash heap and rubble pile of filth before our expiration date. Not that I have an opinion about it...................
There are tons of photos out there of murder suspects prom pictures, why, because the family provides them to they are in the public domain. Whether or not that Tik Tok gang photo is used or if the media provides no photo so as not to provide self fulling stereotypes is another point. If jail photos are public record and there are lots of them, what is getting used? If you have a hammer, everything is a nail is often used around here. Seems that applies to a lot of things.
The issue (as I define it) is what appears on news and in newspapers, which very much drives perceptions, usually on a subconscious level. Might want to think about what happens when a story is being put together and the chosen photography. It's not uniform across media sources, but choices are made. It's rarely the same person who puts together the content for the story. Sometimes it's going to be driven by availability; sometimes it will require a bit extra effort. Sometimes media is source greasing the police and the criminal justice system. They can reflect subconscious inclinations; they're not necessarily deliberate and insidious. But regardless of how it occurs, it should be called out when it does occur. It can do real damage, and calling it out is the only way to break through subconscious perceptions. It's easier to say that it's not a big deal and let it go when the downside of it is not one that the majority experiences A month after Raleigh’s mass shooting, the 15-year-old suspect accused of killing five people in the Hedingham neighborhood still has not been charged. Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman told The News & Observer last month that Austin Thompson would be charged as an adult in Superior Court. Freeman said Friday she was hoping for a transfer to the higher court within the next 30 days. Her comments came after WRAL and ABC11, The N&O’s news-gathering partner, reported Friday that the suspect had been moved from WakeMed Hospital to an unnamed juvenile detention center.